Modeling customer satisfaction through online reviews: A FlowSort group decision model under probabilistic linguistic settings
Modeling customer satisfaction from online customer reviews (OCRs) has become a
practical issue. OCRs provide enough information to aid service providers in measuring …
practical issue. OCRs provide enough information to aid service providers in measuring …
A multi-criteria evaluation and stationary analysis of value management implementation barriers for sustainable residential building projects
Over the past 20 years, value management (VM) has become a well-established technique,
while in underdeveloped countries; informal methods are used for VM-related activities. This …
while in underdeveloped countries; informal methods are used for VM-related activities. This …
A fuzzy extension of simplified best-worst method (F-SBWM) and its applications to decision-making problems
Today, most of the issues and challenges faced by managers and decision makers are
complex and multifaceted. More clearly, due to the developments of technologies, emerging …
complex and multifaceted. More clearly, due to the developments of technologies, emerging …
Prioritizing water distribution pipelines rehabilitation using machine learning algorithms
The majority of water pipelines are subjected to serious deterioration and degradation
challenges. This research examines the application of optimized neural network models for …
challenges. This research examines the application of optimized neural network models for …
Application of evolutionary optimization algorithms for rehabilitation of water distribution networks
Deteriorated water distribution networks require significant investments to maximize their
functionality. The problem is that limited financial resources are allocated for rehabilitation …
functionality. The problem is that limited financial resources are allocated for rehabilitation …
A proposed framework for multi-tier supplier performance in sustainable supply chains
Over the past few years, supply chains have become globalised and multi-tiered. These
factors complicate their structure as the focal company is responsible for the problems …
factors complicate their structure as the focal company is responsible for the problems …
Current application fields of ELECTRE and PROMETHEE: A literature review
Multi-criteria decision making techniques are widely used today. In this study, it was
examined the current usage areas of ELECTRE and PROMETHEE, which are in the class of …
examined the current usage areas of ELECTRE and PROMETHEE, which are in the class of …
Perancangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Seleksi Asisten Dosen Menggunakan Kombinasi Metode Profile Matching dan TOPSIS Berbasis Web Service
Seleksi asisten dosen di Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
(FTI UKSW) dilakukan setiap awal semester. Proses seleksi tersebut mengalami beberapa …
(FTI UKSW) dilakukan setiap awal semester. Proses seleksi tersebut mengalami beberapa …
Investment preferences of Iran's mineral extraction sector with a focus on the productivity of the energy consumption, water and labor force
Mines and mining industries provide many employment opportunities and generate
economic growth. Mining is an important way to reach sustainable development and …
economic growth. Mining is an important way to reach sustainable development and …
Decision support concept to selection of wastewater treatment plant location—The case study of town of Kutina, Croatia
In environmental projects, decision-making can be a complex and challenging task due to
the in-built existence of compromises between environmental, socio-political, and economic …
the in-built existence of compromises between environmental, socio-political, and economic …