Seismic anisotropy and mantle deformation: what have we learned from shear wave splitting?
MK Savage - Reviews of Geophysics, 1999 - Wiley Online Library
Shear wave splitting measurements now allow us to examine deformation in the lithosphere
and upper asthenosphere with lateral resolution< 50 km. In an anisotropic medium, one …
and upper asthenosphere with lateral resolution< 50 km. In an anisotropic medium, one …
Propagation of magma-filled cracks
AM Rubin - Annual Review Of Earth And Planetary Sciences …, 1995 -
The mechanism of magmatransportat depth influences direction magma moves, the distance
it travels before freezing, the degree to which it communicates chemically with the host rock …
it travels before freezing, the degree to which it communicates chemically with the host rock …
Tectono-magmatic precursors for porphyry Cu-(Mo-Au) deposit formation
JP Richards - Economic geology, 2003 -
Abstract Porphyry Cu-(Mo-Au) deposits are relatively rare but reproducible products of
subduction-related magmatism. No unique processes appear to be required for their …
subduction-related magmatism. No unique processes appear to be required for their …
Strength of the lithosphere: Constraints imposed by laboratory experiments
The concept of strength envelopes, developed in the 1970s, allowed quantitative predictions
of the strength of the lithosphere based on experimentally determined constitutive equations …
of the strength of the lithosphere based on experimentally determined constitutive equations …
Granite magma formation, transport and emplacement in the Earth's crust
The origin of granites was once a question solely for petrologists and geochemists. But in
recent years a consensus has emerged that recognizes the essential role of deformation in …
recent years a consensus has emerged that recognizes the essential role of deformation in …
Volcanological perspectives on Long Valley, Mammoth Mountain, and Mono Craters: several contiguous but discrete systems
W Hildreth - Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2004 - Elsevier
The volcanic history of the Long Valley region is examined within a framework of six
successive (spatially discrete) foci of silicic magmatism, each driven by locally concentrated …
successive (spatially discrete) foci of silicic magmatism, each driven by locally concentrated …
Compositional zoning of the Bishop Tuff
W Hildreth, CJN Wilson - Journal of Petrology, 2007 -
Compositional data for> 400 pumice clasts, organized according to eruptive sequence,
crystal content, and texture, provide new perspectives on eruption and pre-eruptive …
crystal content, and texture, provide new perspectives on eruption and pre-eruptive …
Processes in mushes and their role in the differentiation of granitic rocks
The modification of magma through mixing or through assimilation of country rocks is
commonly inferred from various chemical and isotopic features of magmatic rock suites and …
commonly inferred from various chemical and isotopic features of magmatic rock suites and …
The volcanic–plutonic connection as a stage for understanding crustal magmatism
The Earth's magmatism produces both volcanic and plutonic rocks. These two rock types
share many similarities, but also display significant differences that have led to a tendency to …
share many similarities, but also display significant differences that have led to a tendency to …
Shear-zone systems and melts: feedback relations and self-organization in orogenic belts
M Brown, GS Solar - Journal of structural geology, 1998 - Elsevier
In orogenic belts, the common spatial and temporal association of granites with crustal-scale
shear-zone systems suggests melt transfer from source to upper crust was the result of a …
shear-zone systems suggests melt transfer from source to upper crust was the result of a …