Model predictive control of microgrids–An overview

J Hu, Y Shan, JM Guerrero, A Ioinovici… - … and Sustainable Energy …, 2021 - Elsevier
The development of microgrids is an advantageous option for integrating rapidly growing
renewable energies. However, the stochastic nature of renewable energies and variable …

DCM-based bridgeless PFC converter for EV charging application

A Dixit, K Pande, S Gangavarapu… - IEEE Journal of …, 2020 -
This article proposes a single-phase switched-mode bridgeless ac-dc buck-boost derived
converter that can serve as a front-end converter for the on-board electric vehicle (EV) …

Review, Properties, and Synthesis of Single-Switch Non-Isolated DC-DC Converters with a Wide Conversion Range

FL Tofoli, TMJ Carlos, AS Morais - Sensors, 2024 -
The cascaded connection of power converters extends conversion ranges but requires
careful consideration due to high component count and efficiency concerns, as power is …

A modular circuit synthesis oriented modelling approach for non-isolated DC-DC converters in CCM

L Masike, MN Gitau - Energies, 2023 -
The continued commissioning of DC microgrids in an effort to achieve net-zero carbon levels
in the atmosphere demands the large-scale deployment of converters to make the power …

Multi-Mode Control Scheme for Full Load Range ZVS of Phase-Shift Full-Bridge Converter

F Meng, Z Wang, J Wu, F Li… - IEEE Journal of Emerging …, 2024 -
This article proposes a multi-mode control (MMC) scheme to resolve the narrow zero-
voltage switching (ZVS) range of the lagging-leg switches in the conventional phase-shifted …

Mathematical modeling of transformerless DC-DC converters

NL Hinov - 2018 IEEE XXVII International Scientific Conference …, 2018 -
The paper presents mathematical models of the most widespread transformerless DC-DC
converters-Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost, Sepic and Čuk. They are composed using the method …

Comparsion of Different Methods for Controlling DC-DC Converters in Constant Current Mode

N HINOV, T HRANOV, B GILEV - 2020 21st International …, 2020 -
The paper compares different control methods for DC-DC converters operating in constant
current mode. The following are considered: a classic controller based on a PID controller, a …

Stabilization of DC Bus Voltage of an Isolated DC Microgrid

PN Singh, R Ranjan, SB Karanki - 2023 IEEE 8th Southern …, 2023 -
This paper deals with the robust control strategy used for the isolated DC microgrid. The DC
microgrid considered here comprises a solar photo voltaic (PV) source, biomass, biogas …

Solar PV-Powered Separately Excited Biogas DC Generator Suitable for Operation in a DC Microgrid

TK Barui, D Mondal - Electric Power Components and Systems, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This article aims to manifest a new way of the utilization of renewable resources in a
distribution network. Solar power acts as a source of excitation in the field winding of a …

Generalized models of basic DC-DC converters

N Hinov - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018 -
In the work were developed and presented generalized models of the basic transformers DC-
DC converters: Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost. Models are synthesized using switching …