Tight bounds on computing error-correcting codes by bounded-depth circuits with arbitrary gates
We bound the minimum number w of wires needed to compute any (asymptotically good)
error-correcting code C:{0, 1} Ω (n)->{0, 1} n with minimum distance Ω (n), using unbounded …
error-correcting code C:{0, 1} Ω (n)->{0, 1} n with minimum distance Ω (n), using unbounded …
More on a problem of Zarankiewicz
We show tight necessary and sufficient conditions on the sizes of small bipartite graphs
whose union is a larger bipartite graph that has no large bipartite independent set. Our main …
whose union is a larger bipartite graph that has no large bipartite independent set. Our main …
On Zarankiewicz Problem and Depth-Two Superconcentrators
We show tight necessary and sufficient conditions on the sizes of small bipartite graphs
whose union is a larger bipartite graph that has no large bipartite independent set. Our main …
whose union is a larger bipartite graph that has no large bipartite independent set. Our main …