[HTML][HTML] Exploring entrepreneurial readiness of youth and startup success components: Entrepreneurship training as a moderator
SA Olugbola - Journal of innovation & Knowledge, 2017 - Elsevier
From the behavioral perspective, this study analyzed the entrepreneurial readiness of youth
in terms of opportunity identification, motivational factors, resources, and entrepreneurial …
in terms of opportunity identification, motivational factors, resources, and entrepreneurial …
The motivational factors of business venturing: Opportunity versus necessity? A gendered perspective on European countries
V Jafari-Sadeghi - Journal of Business Research, 2020 - Elsevier
The motives behind self-employment and the differences between women and men are a
hot topic in entrepreneurship debate. This paper empirically explores the interaction of three …
hot topic in entrepreneurship debate. This paper empirically explores the interaction of three …
New venture entrepreneurship and context in East Asia: a systematic literature review
While research on new venture entrepreneurship has been predominantly conducted in
Western countries, East Asian start-ups have gained global relevance in recent years. In this …
Western countries, East Asian start-ups have gained global relevance in recent years. In this …
The mediating effects of entrepreneurial self-efficacy in the relationship between entrepreneurship education and start-up readiness
AO Adeniyi - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 2023 - nature.com
Introduction Globally, entrepreneurial activity has become a dominant phenomenon that
contributes to the increase in the rate of employment and socio-economic development …
contributes to the increase in the rate of employment and socio-economic development …
Exploring agricultural entrepreneurship and new technologies: academic and practitioners' views
Purpose This paper investigates the relationship between agricultural entrepreneurship (AE)
and new technologies using academic and practitioners' perspectives to understand how …
and new technologies using academic and practitioners' perspectives to understand how …
Home country institutional context and entrepreneurial internationalization: the significance of human capital attributes
The global economy involves enormous internationalization activities that provide untapped
opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses. This study sets out to improve the …
opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses. This study sets out to improve the …
Entrepreneurial readiness in the context of national systems of entrepreneurship
This study contributes to the emerging stream of literature on national systems of
entrepreneurship by investigating the importance of systemic contingencies between …
entrepreneurship by investigating the importance of systemic contingencies between …
The influence of formal institutions on the relationship between entrepreneurial readiness and entrepreneurial behaviour: A cross-country analysis
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to use a unique set of measures from Holmes et
al.(2013) to clarify the relationship between entrepreneurial readiness and entrepreneurial …
al.(2013) to clarify the relationship between entrepreneurial readiness and entrepreneurial …
Entrepreneurial self-efficacy for entrepreneurial readiness in a develo** context: A survey of exit level students at TVET Institutions in Nigeria
Entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) has been described as the cognitive element that can
stimulate entrepreneurial readiness. There is a paucity of research on whether graduates of …
stimulate entrepreneurial readiness. There is a paucity of research on whether graduates of …
Women's economic empowerment through tourism: A case study of selected Western Balkans countries
Tourism is considered to be an essential means of empowering women in the national,
regional and global economy, presenting both opportunities for gender equality and …
regional and global economy, presenting both opportunities for gender equality and …