[HTML][HTML] Recent advances in X-ray imaging of breast tissue: From two-to three-dimensional imaging
L Heck, J Herzen - Physica Medica, 2020 - Elsevier
Breast cancer is a globally widespread disease whose detection has already been
significantly improved by the introduction of screening programs. Nevertheless …
significantly improved by the introduction of screening programs. Nevertheless …
Quantitative X-ray phase contrast computed tomography with grating interferometry: Biomedical applications of quantitative X-ray grating-based phase contrast …
The ability of biomedical imaging data to be of quantitative nature is getting increasingly
important with the ongoing developments in data science. In contrast to conventional …
important with the ongoing developments in data science. In contrast to conventional …
Advancements towards the implementation of clinical phase-contrast breast computed tomography at Elettra
Breast computed tomography (BCT) is an emerging application of X-ray tomography in
radiological practice. A few clinical prototypes are under evaluation in hospitals and new …
radiological practice. A few clinical prototypes are under evaluation in hospitals and new …
Image quality comparison between a phase-contrast synchrotron radiation breast CT and a clinical breast CT: a phantom based study
In this study we compared the image quality of a synchrotron radiation (SR) breast computed
tomography (BCT) system with a clinical BCT in terms of contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) …
tomography (BCT) system with a clinical BCT in terms of contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) …
Phase-contrast breast CT: the effect of propagation distance
X-ray phase imaging has the potential to dramatically improve soft tissue contrast sensitivity,
which is a crucial requirement in many diagnostic applications such as breast imaging. In …
which is a crucial requirement in many diagnostic applications such as breast imaging. In …
Quantitative characterization of breast tissues with dedicated CT imaging
A quantitative characterization of the soft tissues composing the human breast is achieved
by means of a monochromatic CT phase-contrast imaging system, through accurate …
by means of a monochromatic CT phase-contrast imaging system, through accurate …
Propagation-based phase-contrast CT of the breast demonstrates higher quality than conventional absorption-based CT even at lower radiation dose
Rationale and Objectives Propagation-based phase-contrast CT (PB-CT) is an advanced X-
ray imaging technology that exploits both refraction and absorption of the transmitted X-ray …
ray imaging technology that exploits both refraction and absorption of the transmitted X-ray …
Experimental optimization of the energy for breast-CT with synchrotron radiation
Abstract Breast Computed Tomography (bCT) is a three-dimensional imaging technique that
is raising interest among radiologists as a viable alternative to mammographic planar …
is raising interest among radiologists as a viable alternative to mammographic planar …
Comparison of propagation-based CT using synchrotron radiation and conventional cone-beam CT for breast imaging
Objectives To evaluate and compare the image quality of propagation-based phase-contrast
computed tomography (PB-CT) using synchrotron radiation and conventional cone-beam …
computed tomography (PB-CT) using synchrotron radiation and conventional cone-beam …
Signal-to-noise and spatial resolution in in-line imaging. 1. Basic theory, numerical simulations and planar experimental images
Signal-to-noise ratio and spatial resolution are quantitatively analysed in the context of in-
line (propagation based) X-ray phase-contrast imaging. It is known that free-space …
line (propagation based) X-ray phase-contrast imaging. It is known that free-space …