Towards 6G wireless communication networks: Vision, enabling technologies, and new paradigm shifts
The fifth generation (5G) wireless communication networks are being deployed worldwide
from 2020 and more capabilities are in the process of being standardized, such as mass …
from 2020 and more capabilities are in the process of being standardized, such as mass …
50 years of permutation, spatial and index modulation: From classic RF to visible light communications and data storage
In this treatise, we provide an interdisciplinary survey on spatial modulation (SM), where
multiple-input multipleoutput microwave and visible light, as well as single and multicarrier …
multiple-input multipleoutput microwave and visible light, as well as single and multicarrier …
Channel estimation for reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted high-mobility wireless systems
Next-generation communication systems aim for providing pervasive services, including the
high-mobility scenarios routinely encountered in mission-critical applications. Hence we …
high-mobility scenarios routinely encountered in mission-critical applications. Hence we …
Massive mimo techniques for 5g and beyond—opportunities and challenges
Telecommunications have grown to be a pillar to a functional society and the urge for
reliable and high throughput systems has become the main objective of researchers and …
reliable and high throughput systems has become the main objective of researchers and …
OTFS-aided RIS-assisted SAGIN systems outperform their OFDM counterparts in doubly selective high-Doppler scenarios
The recently developed reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) are capable of improving
the coverage of space–air–ground integrated networks (SAGINs), where the signals can be …
the coverage of space–air–ground integrated networks (SAGINs), where the signals can be …
Sixty years of coherent versus non-coherent tradeoffs and the road from 5G to wireless futures
Sixty years of coherent versus non-coherent tradeoff as well as the twenty years of coherent
versus non-coherent tradeoff in Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems are surveyed …
versus non-coherent tradeoff in Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems are surveyed …
Antenna selection for reconfigurable intelligent surfaces: A transceiver-agnostic passive beamforming configuration
Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) is capable of improving the wireless system
performance by steering the reflected signal in the desired direction. One of the major …
performance by steering the reflected signal in the desired direction. One of the major …
Reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted multi-carrier wireless systems for doubly selective high-mobility Ricean channels
Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) constitute a revolutionary technique of beneficially
reconfiguring the smart radio environment. However, despite the fact that wireless …
reconfiguring the smart radio environment. However, despite the fact that wireless …
State-of-the-art design of index modulation in the space, time, and frequency domains: Benefits and fundamental limitations
In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of diverse index modulation (IM)
architectures that operate in the space, time, and frequency domains, as well as their related …
architectures that operate in the space, time, and frequency domains, as well as their related …
Index modulation for molecular communication via diffusion systems
Molecular communication via diffusion (MCvD) is a molecular communication method that
utilizes the free diffusion of carrier molecules to transfer information at the nanoscale. Due to …
utilizes the free diffusion of carrier molecules to transfer information at the nanoscale. Due to …