Genesis and character of thin-bedded turbidites associated with submarine channels
Submarine channel-related thin-bedded turbidites are deposited in environments such as
external levees, internal levees, depositional terraces and at times of channel abandonment …
external levees, internal levees, depositional terraces and at times of channel abandonment …
[KNIHA][B] Ichnology: Organism-substrate interactions in space and time
LA Buatois, MG Mángano - 2011 - books.google.com
Ichnology is the study of traces created in the substrate by living organisms. This is the first
book to systematically cover basic concepts and applications in both paleobiology and …
book to systematically cover basic concepts and applications in both paleobiology and …
Seismic geomorphology and stratigraphy of depositional elements in deep-water settings
HW Posamentier, V Kolla - Journal of sedimentary …, 2003 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Analyses of 3-D seismic data in predominantly basin-floor settings offshore Indonesia,
Nigeria, and the Gulf of Mexico, reveal the extensive presence of gravity-flow depositional …
Nigeria, and the Gulf of Mexico, reveal the extensive presence of gravity-flow depositional …
Architecture of turbidite channel systems on the continental slope: patterns and predictions
The study of many slope channel systems has led to the development of rules in the form of
observations, measurements, and hypotheses. For example, we hypothesize that high …
observations, measurements, and hypotheses. For example, we hypothesize that high …
[KNIHA][B] The practice of reservoir engineering (revised edition)
LP Dake - 2001 - books.google.com
This revised edition of the bestselling Practice of Reservoir Engineering has been written for
those in the oil industry requiring a working knowledge of how the complex subject of …
those in the oil industry requiring a working knowledge of how the complex subject of …
Turbidite channel reservoirs—Key elements in facies prediction and effective development
M Mayall, E Jones, M Casey - Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2006 - Elsevier
Turbidite channels are important but frequently complex reservoirs in the exploration,
appraisal and development of deep-water facies. Over the last 10 years in particular, high …
appraisal and development of deep-water facies. Over the last 10 years in particular, high …
Deltaic, mixed and turbidite sedimentation of ancient foreland basins
E Mutti, R Tinterri, G Benevelli, D di Biase… - Marine and Petroleum …, 2003 - Elsevier
The marine fill of ancient foreland basins is primarily recorded by depositional systems
consisting of facies and facies associations deposited by a variety of sediment gravity flows …
consisting of facies and facies associations deposited by a variety of sediment gravity flows …
Architecture and evolution of upper fan channel-belts on the Niger Delta slope and in the Arabian Sea
ME Deptuck, GS Steffens, M Barton, C Pirmez - Marine and Petroleum …, 2003 - Elsevier
High-resolution multichannel 2-D and 3-D seismic data, primarily from upper fan reaches of
near-seafloor channel-levee systems on the Niger Delta slope and in the Arabian Sea …
near-seafloor channel-levee systems on the Niger Delta slope and in the Arabian Sea …
Migration–aggradation history and 3-D seismic geomorphology of submarine channels in the Pleistocene Benin-major Canyon, western Niger Delta slope
Several laterally offset and aggradational sinuous submarine channels are contained within
a 54km long segment of the Benin-major Canyon. Axial channel deposits produce high …
a 54km long segment of the Benin-major Canyon. Axial channel deposits produce high …
Reconstruction of turbidity currents in Amazon Channel
Quantifying the characteristics of the turbidity currents that are responsible for the erosion,
lateral migration and filling of submarine channels maybe useful for predicting the …
lateral migration and filling of submarine channels maybe useful for predicting the …