Control techniques in AC, DC, and hybrid AC–DC microgrid: A review
The microgrid concept is gaining popularity with the proliferation of distributed generation.
Control techniques in the microgrid are an evolving research topic in the area of microgrids …
Control techniques in the microgrid are an evolving research topic in the area of microgrids …
Comprehensive review on control schemes and stability investigation of hybrid AC-DC microgrid
The utility grid integration of distributed generation units is seen as one of the most
accomplished through the use of microgrid. Control methods and stability analyses in the …
accomplished through the use of microgrid. Control methods and stability analyses in the …
Risks in the European transmission system and a novel restoration strategy for a power system after a major blackout
Many citizens of European countries may soon experience a long and extensive blackout.
The lack of predictability in the output of renewable energy sources, aggravating the …
The lack of predictability in the output of renewable energy sources, aggravating the …
Research on resilience of power systems under natural disasters—A review
Natural disasters can cause large blackouts. Research into natural disaster impacts on
electric power systems is emerging to understand the causes of the blackouts, explore ways …
electric power systems is emerging to understand the causes of the blackouts, explore ways …
Resilient distribution system by microgrids formation after natural disasters
Microgrids with distributed generation (DG) provide a resilient solution in the case of major
faults in a distribution system due to natural disasters. This paper proposes a novel …
faults in a distribution system due to natural disasters. This paper proposes a novel …
Microgrid supervisory controllers and energy management systems: A literature review
Microgrids (MGs), featured by distributed energy resources, consumption and storage, are
designed to significantly enhance the self-sustainability of future electric distribution grids. In …
designed to significantly enhance the self-sustainability of future electric distribution grids. In …
Distributed control techniques in microgrids
The objective of this paper is to provide a review of distributed control and management
strategies for the next generation power system in the context of microgrids. This paper also …
strategies for the next generation power system in the context of microgrids. This paper also …
A resilient microgrid formation strategy for load restoration considering master-slave distributed generators and topology reconfiguration
Recent severe power outages caused by extreme weather hazards have highlighted the
importance and urgency of improving the resilience of electric distribution grids. Microgrids …
importance and urgency of improving the resilience of electric distribution grids. Microgrids …
Power system restoration: a literature review from 2006 to 2016
Y Liu, R Fan, V Terzija - Journal of Modern Power Systems and …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Power system restoration has attracted more attention and made great progress recently.
Research progress of the power system restoration from 2006 to 2016 is reviewed in this …
Research progress of the power system restoration from 2006 to 2016 is reviewed in this …
[PDF][PDF] Distributed adaptive virtual impedance control for accurate reactive power sharing based on consensus control in microgrids
To achieve accurate reactive power sharing regard-less of the effects of mismatched line
impedance, this paper proposes a reactive power sharing method that employs both …
impedance, this paper proposes a reactive power sharing method that employs both …