Good care in ongoing dialogue. Improving the quality of care through moral deliberation and responsive evaluation
Recently, moral deliberation within care institutions is gaining more attention in medical
ethics. Ongoing dialogues about ethical issues are considered as a vehicle for quality …
ethics. Ongoing dialogues about ethical issues are considered as a vehicle for quality …
[ספר][B] The safety utopia
H Boutellier - 2004 - Springer
Theoretical reflection on safety begins by acknowledging the real experience of a lack of
safety. This basic premise is less self-evident than one might think. In Chapter 1 it is clear …
safety. This basic premise is less self-evident than one might think. In Chapter 1 it is clear …
The design of our own lives: Technical mediation and subjectivation after Foucault
S Dorrestijn - 2012 -
The design of our own lives is about how technology guides and changes us. The book
brings together converging trends in design theory and philosophy of technology concerning …
brings together converging trends in design theory and philosophy of technology concerning …
Wind farm struggles in Flanders fields: A sociological perspective
In this article we analyse how protests against wind farms reflect symbolic distances or
alienations, typical to Flanders (Belgium), as consequences of wider societal trends. A …
alienations, typical to Flanders (Belgium), as consequences of wider societal trends. A …
Responsive evaluation in the interference zone between system and lifeworld
Responsive evaluation honors democratic and participatory values and intends to foster
dialogues among stakeholders to include their voices and enhance mutual understandings …
dialogues among stakeholders to include their voices and enhance mutual understandings …
Enacting ethics: Bottom-up involvement in implementing moral case deliberation
FC Weidema, AC Molewijk, GAM Widdershoven… - Health Care …, 2012 - Springer
In moral case deliberation (MCD), healthcare professionals meet to reflect upon their moral
questions supported by a structured conversation method and non-directive conversation …
questions supported by a structured conversation method and non-directive conversation …
[ספר][B] Military ethics: The Dutch approach: A practical guide
TA Van Baarda, T van Baarda, DEM Verweij - 2006 -
This collection is a unique joint venture of teachers in, and practitioners of military ethics.
Representatives of each branch of the Armed Forces, ie the Navy, the Army, the Air Force …
Representatives of each branch of the Armed Forces, ie the Navy, the Army, the Air Force …
[ספר][B] Trust and power on the shop floor: An ethnographical, ethical and philosophical study on responsible behaviour in industrial organisations
MJ Verkerk - 2004 -
Annotation" In his book, Verkerk investigates the shop floor processes of modern factories.
Two ethnographical case studies are presented from the perspective of a factory manager …
Two ethnographical case studies are presented from the perspective of a factory manager …
Development and preliminary validation of the moral authorship questionnaire
Background When novice teachers start working in a school, it is vital that they are aware of
the moral aspects of the work environment and can use their moral abilities to make their …
the moral aspects of the work environment and can use their moral abilities to make their …
Moral authorship of novice teachers in primary education
This article focuses on moral authorship as an element of the professional development of
novice teachers in the Netherlands. Moral authorship refers to the ability of teachers to …
novice teachers in the Netherlands. Moral authorship refers to the ability of teachers to …