A review of recent advances in tribology

Y Meng, J Xu, Z **, B Prakash, Y Hu - Friction, 2020‏ - Springer
The reach of tribology has expanded in diverse fields and tribology related research
activities have seen immense growth during the last decade. This review takes stock of the …

Inference of diets of early hominins from primate molar form and microwear

PS Ungar - Journal of dental research, 2019‏ - journals.sagepub.com
Paleontologists use fossil teeth to reconstruct the diets of early hominins and other extinct
species. Some evidence is adaptive: nature selects for tooth size, shape, and structure best …

Shape, size, and quantity of ingested external abrasives influence dental microwear texture formation in guinea pigs

DE Winkler, T Tütken, E Schulz-Kornas… - Proceedings of the …, 2020‏ - pnas.org
Food processing wears down teeth, thus affecting tooth functionality and evolutionary
success. Other than intrinsic silica phytoliths, extrinsic mineral dust/grit adhering to plants …

Hard plant tissues do not contribute meaningfully to dental microwear: Evolutionary implications

A Van Casteren, DS Strait, MV Swain, S Michael… - Scientific Reports, 2020‏ - nature.com
Reconstructing diet is critical to understanding hominin adaptations. Isotopic and functional
morphological analyses of early hominins are compatible with consumption of hard foods …

Dust affects chewing efficiency and tooth wear in forest dwelling Western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus)

E Schulz‐Kornas, J Stuhlträger… - American journal of …, 2019‏ - Wiley Online Library
Objectives In humans it has been shown that abrasive particles in the diet result in increased
tooth wear and less intense chewing behavior, both of which decrease chewing efficiency …

Dental wear and oral pathology among sex determined Early Bronze-Age children from Franzhausen I, Lower Austria

M Bas, C Kurzmann, J Willman, D Pany-Kucera… - PLoS …, 2023‏ - journals.plos.org
The physical properties of diet and oral health throughout childhood play an important role
in the development of human dentition, and differed greatly before the industrial revolution …

Fracture mechanics, enamel thickness and the evolution of molar form in hominins

GT Schwartz, A McGrosky, DS Strait - Biology Letters, 2020‏ - royalsocietypublishing.org
As the tissue most directly responsible for breaking down food in the oral cavity, the form and
function of enamel is obviously of evolutionary significance in humans, non-human primates …

Dental microwear textures differ in pigs with overall similar diets but fed with different seeds

M Louail, S Ferchaud, A Souron, AEC Walker… - Palaeogeography …, 2021‏ - Elsevier
The thick-enameled, bunodont dentition shared by most early hominins has traditionally
been interpreted as reflecting durophagy, especially in the robust genus Paranthropus …

The dental microwear of hard‐object feeding in laboratory Sapajus apella and its implications for dental microwear formation

MF Teaford, PS Ungar, AB Taylor… - American Journal of …, 2020‏ - Wiley Online Library
Objectives This study seeks to determine if (a) consumption of hard food items or a mixture
of food items leads to the formation of premolar or molar microwear in laboratory capuchin …

[ספר][B] A brief history of quantitative wear analyses with an appeal for a holistic view on dental wear processes

E Schulz-Kornas, TM Kaiser, I Calandra, DE Winkler - 2020‏ - researchgate.net
Dental wear has been widely investigated in paleobiology and paleoanthropology to infer
diet, habitat and climatic conditions. For decades, the approaches mostly revolved around …