Narrow bandgap colloidal metal chalcogenide quantum dots: synthetic methods, heterostructures, assemblies, electronic and infrared optical properties
The chemistry, material processing and fundamental understanding of colloidal
semiconductor nanocrystals (quantum dots) are advancing at an astounding rate, bringing …
semiconductor nanocrystals (quantum dots) are advancing at an astounding rate, bringing …
Quantum dot sensitized solar cell: recent advances and future perspectives in photoanode
Quantum dot (QD) has emerged as a promising agent in the field of solar energy conversion
due to its distinct size-dependent optoelectronic characteristics. As next generation solar cell …
due to its distinct size-dependent optoelectronic characteristics. As next generation solar cell …
Quantum dot nanoscale heterostructures for solar energy conversion
Quantum dot nanoscale semiconductor heterostructures (QDHs) are a class of materials
potentially useful for integration into solar energy conversion devices. However, realizing the …
potentially useful for integration into solar energy conversion devices. However, realizing the …
Performance improvement strategies for quantum dot-sensitized solar cells: a review
Development of new low-cost technologies for high-efficiency quantum dot-sensitized solar
cells (QDSCs) is an effective way to solve current energy and environmental problems. Over …
cells (QDSCs) is an effective way to solve current energy and environmental problems. Over …
Atomic layer deposition enabling higher efficiency solar cells: A review
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) can synthesise materials with atomic-scale precision. The
ability to tune the material composition, film thickness with excellent conformality, allow low …
ability to tune the material composition, film thickness with excellent conformality, allow low …
High performance PbS Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells exceeding 4% efficiency: the role of metal precursors in the electron injection and charge separation
Here we report the preparation of high performance Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells
(QDSCs) based on PbS–CdS co-sensitized nanoporous TiO2 electrodes. QDs were directly …
(QDSCs) based on PbS–CdS co-sensitized nanoporous TiO2 electrodes. QDs were directly …
Metal oxide semiconductors for dye‐and quantum‐dot‐sensitized solar cells
This Review provides a brief summary of the most recent research developments in the
synthesis and application of nanostructured metal oxide semiconductors for dye sensitized …
synthesis and application of nanostructured metal oxide semiconductors for dye sensitized …
Boosting the performance of eco-friendly quantum dots-based photoelectrochemical cells via effective surface passivation
Photoelectrochemical (PEC) cells fabricated using environment-friendly colloidal quantum
dots (QDs) are promising optoelectronic devices for future practical solar-to-hydrogen …
dots (QDs) are promising optoelectronic devices for future practical solar-to-hydrogen …
Effect of organic and inorganic passivation in quantum-dot-sensitized solar cells
The effect of semiconductor passivation on quantum-dot-sensitized solar cells (QDSCs) has
been systematically characterized for CdS and CdS/ZnS. We have found that passivation …
been systematically characterized for CdS and CdS/ZnS. We have found that passivation …
Efficient CdS quantum dot sensitized solar cells made using novel Cu2S counter electrode
A novel Cu 2 S counter electrode (CE), which is prepared through simple electroplating
method, is used to fabricate CdS quantum dot sensitized solar cells. The cells applying our …
method, is used to fabricate CdS quantum dot sensitized solar cells. The cells applying our …