Inhomogeneous time-reversal symmetry breaking in

R Willa, M Hecker, RM Fernandes, J Schmalian - Physical Review B, 2021 - APS
We show that the observed time-reversal symmetry breaking (TRSB) of the superconducting
state in Sr 2 RuO 4 can be understood as originating from inhomogeneous strain fields near …

Stark localization near Aubry-André criticality

A Sahoo, A Saha, D Rakshit - Physical Review B, 2025 - APS
In this work, we investigate the Stark localization near the Aubry-André (AA) critical point. We
perform careful studies for reporting system-dependent parameters, such as localization …

[PDF][PDF] Disorder-induced enhancement of precision in quantum metrology

A Bhattacharyya, A Ghoshal, U Sen - system, 2023 -
We find that insertion of glassy disorder, accidental or engineered, can lead to enhancement
of metrological precision in estimating an unknown parameter of a quantum system. We …

Imperfect entangling power of quantum gates

S Mondal, SK Hazra, AS De - arxiv preprint arxiv:2401.00295, 2023 -
Achieving perfect control over the parameters defining a quantum gate is, in general, a very
challenging task, and at the same time, environmental interactions can introduce …

Spontaneous magnetization of quantum XY spin model in joint presence of quenched and annealed disorder

A Bera, D Rakshit, A Sen, U Sen - Physical Review B, 2017 - APS
We investigate equilibrium statistical properties of the isotropic quantum XY spin-1/2 model
in an external magnetic field when the interaction and field parts are subjected to quenched …

Disorder-induced enhancement and critical scaling of spontaneous magnetization in random-field quantum spin systems

A Bera, D Rakshit, M Lewenstein, A Sen, U Sen… - Physical Review B, 2016 - APS
We investigate the effect of a unidirectional quenched random field on the anisotropic
quantum spin-1/2 XY model, which magnetizes spontaneously in the absence of the random …

Localization with non-Hermitian off-diagonal disorder

A Saha, D Rakshit - arxiv preprint arxiv:2310.13744, 2023 -
In this work, we discuss a non-Hermitian system described via a one-dimensional single-
particle tight-binding model, where the non-Hermiticity is governed by random nearest …

Random field induced order in two dimensions

N Crawford, WM Ruszel - Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (B) …, 2024 -
In this article we prove that a classical XY model subjected to weak iid random field pointing
in a fixed direction exhibits residual magnetic order in Z 2 and aligns perpendicular to the …

Response of entanglement to annealed vis-à-vis quenched disorder in quantum spin models

A Bera, D Sadhukhan, D Rakshit, AS De… - Europhysics …, 2019 -
We investigate bipartite entanglement in random quantum XY models at equilibrium.
Depending on the intrinsic time scales associated with equilibration of the random …

Trends of information backflow in disordered spin chains

SS Roy, U Mishra, D Rakshit - Europhysics Letters, 2020 -
We investigate the trends of information backflow associated with the dynamics of a sub-part
of a disordered spin-1/2 transverse field Heisenberg chain for different regimes of the …