Review of ontology-based recommender systems in e-learning
In recent years there has been an enormous increase in learning resources available online
through massive open online courses and learning management systems. In this context …
through massive open online courses and learning management systems. In this context …
entity2rec: Property-specific knowledge graph embeddings for item recommendation
Abstract Knowledge graphs have shown to be highly beneficial to recommender systems,
providing an ideal data structure to generate hybrid recommendations using both content …
providing an ideal data structure to generate hybrid recommendations using both content …
Sparse feature factorization for recommender systems with knowledge graphs
Deep Learning and factorization-based collaborative filtering recommendation models have
undoubtedly dominated the scene of recommender systems in recent years. However …
undoubtedly dominated the scene of recommender systems in recent years. However …
Kgflex: Efficient recommendation with sparse feature factorization and knowledge graphs
Collaborative filtering models have undoubtedly dominated the scene of recommender
systems in recent years. However, due to the little use of content information, they narrowly …
systems in recent years. However, due to the little use of content information, they narrowly …
Computational model for generating interactions in conversational recommender system based on product functional requirements
Conversational recommender system is a tool to help customer in deciding products they
are going to buy, by conversational mechanism. By this mechanism, the system is able to …
are going to buy, by conversational mechanism. By this mechanism, the system is able to …
How to make latent factors interpretable by feeding factorization machines with knowledge graphs
Abstract Model-based approaches to recommendation can recommend items with a very
high level of accuracy. Unfortunately, even when the model embeds content-based …
high level of accuracy. Unfortunately, even when the model embeds content-based …
Towards improving the quality of knowledge graphs with data-driven ontology patterns and SHACL
Abstract As Linked Data available on the Web continue to grow, understanding their
structure and assessing their quality remains a challenging task making such the bottleneck …
structure and assessing their quality remains a challenging task making such the bottleneck …
Sasha: Semantic-aware shilling attacks on recommender systems exploiting knowledge graphs
Recommender systems (RS) play a focal position in modern user-centric online services.
Among them, collaborative filtering (CF) approaches have shown leading accuracy …
Among them, collaborative filtering (CF) approaches have shown leading accuracy …
ABSTAT-HD: a scalable tool for profiling very large knowledge graphs
Processing large-scale and highly interconnected Knowledge Graphs (KG) is becoming
crucial for many applications such as recommender systems, question answering, etc …
crucial for many applications such as recommender systems, question answering, etc …
Semantic interpretation of top-n recommendations
Over the years, model-based approaches have shown their effectiveness in computing
recommendation lists in different domains and settings. By relying on the computation of …
recommendation lists in different domains and settings. By relying on the computation of …