Copper (I) thiocyanate (CuSCN) as a hole-transport material for large-area opto/electronics
Recent advances in large-area optoelectronics research have demonstrated the
tremendous potential of copper (I) thiocyanate (CuSCN) as a universal hole-transport …
tremendous potential of copper (I) thiocyanate (CuSCN) as a universal hole-transport …
Stable cuprous active sites in Cu+-graphitic carbon nitride: Structure analysis and performance in Fenton-like reactions
Cu+-based catalysts have great potential in Fenton reactions under neutral pH conditions.
However, cuprous (Cu+) materials are instable in the aqueous environment. Herein, using …
However, cuprous (Cu+) materials are instable in the aqueous environment. Herein, using …
Properties and Applications of Copper (I) Thiocyanate Hole‐Transport Interlayers Processed from Different Solvents
Abstract Copper (I) thiocyanate (CuSCN) is an effective interlayer material for hole injection
and transport in organic electronic devices but its solution processing has conventionally …
and transport in organic electronic devices but its solution processing has conventionally …
Low temperature–controlled synthesis of hierarchical Cu2O/Cu (OH) 2/CuO nanostructures for energy applications
Nano-forms of copper oxides (CuO and Cu2O) are potential candidates in the field of energy
conversion and storage. Low temperature and controlled growth of three-dimensional …
conversion and storage. Low temperature and controlled growth of three-dimensional …
Physical properties of annealed ZnO nanowire/CuSCN heterojunctions for self-powered UV photodetectors
The low-cost fabrication of ZnO nanowire/CuSCN heterojunctions is demonstrated by
combining chemical bath deposition with impregnation techniques. The ZnO nanowire …
combining chemical bath deposition with impregnation techniques. The ZnO nanowire …
Effective charge separation through the sulfur vacancy interfacial in n-CdO/p-CdS bulk heterojunction particle and its solar-induced hydrogen production
The composites are still worth researching, because the catalytic performance greatly varies
depending on the ways when two or more particles are grafted. In this study, we report a n …
depending on the ways when two or more particles are grafted. In this study, we report a n …
Properties of electrodeposited CuSCN 2D layers and nanowires influenced by their mixed domain structure
Electrodeposited copper thiocyanate (CuSCN) thin films and nanowires have been
investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Raman, and optical spectroscopy …
investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Raman, and optical spectroscopy …
Improved performance of p–n junction-based ZnO nanogenerators through CuSCN-passivation of ZnO nanorods
Self-powered piezoelectric systems are vital components to harvest ambient waste energy
for applications such as autonomous self-powered sensors. ZnO nanorod-based devices …
for applications such as autonomous self-powered sensors. ZnO nanorod-based devices …
PbS quantum dots embedded in a ZnS dielectric matrix for bulk heterojunction solar cell applications
Quantum dot (QD) solar cells are in theory capable of delivering power conversion
efficiencies far beyond the Shockley-Queisser limit.[1–3] By converting one photon with …
efficiencies far beyond the Shockley-Queisser limit.[1–3] By converting one photon with …
In situ growth of a P-type CuSCN/Cu 2 O heterojunction to enhance charge transport and suppress charge recombination
High charge transport and low charge recombination rates are crucial to p-type copper
thiocyanate (CuSCN) for practical applications. However, most of the current studies are …
thiocyanate (CuSCN) for practical applications. However, most of the current studies are …