Marine transform faults and fracture zones: a joint perspective integrating seismicity, fluid flow and life
Marine transform faults and associated fracture zones (MTFFZs) cover vast stretches of the
ocean floor, where they play a key role in plate tectonics, accommodating the lateral …
ocean floor, where they play a key role in plate tectonics, accommodating the lateral …
Magmatism, serpentinization and life: Insights through drilling the Atlantis Massif (IODP Expedition 357)
IODP Expedition 357 used two seabed drills to core 17 shallow holes at 9 sites across
Atlantis Massif ocean core complex (Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30° N). The goals of this expedition …
Atlantis Massif ocean core complex (Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30° N). The goals of this expedition …
Iron oxidation and porosity generation in serpentinized abyssal peridotite
Serpentinization, the water-driven alteration of olivine-rich rocks, is a fundamental process
contributing to planetary habitability and the maintenance of rock-hosted life on Earth …
contributing to planetary habitability and the maintenance of rock-hosted life on Earth …
Structural architecture of the Western Alpine Ophiolites, and the Jurassic seafloor spreading tectonics of the Alpine Tethys
We present a regional synthesis of the structural architecture and tectonic evolution of the
Western Alpine Ophiolites (WAO), exposed in NW Italy. The WAO represent the remnants of …
Western Alpine Ophiolites (WAO), exposed in NW Italy. The WAO represent the remnants of …
Serpentinization as a reactive transport process: The brucite silicification reaction
Serpentinization plays a fundamental role in the biogeochemical and tectonic evolution of
the Earth and perhaps many other rocky planetary bodies. Yet, geochemical models still fail …
the Earth and perhaps many other rocky planetary bodies. Yet, geochemical models still fail …
Weathering-driven porosity generation in altered oceanic peridotites
Ultramafic rocks exposed at slow and ultra-slow spreading mid-ocean ridges represent a
significant and extremely reactive portion of the oceanic lithosphere. Thus, mechanistic …
significant and extremely reactive portion of the oceanic lithosphere. Thus, mechanistic …
Geochemistry of serpentinized and multiphase altered Atlantis Massif peridotites (IODP Expedition 357): Petrogenesis and discrimination of melt-rock vs. fluid-rock …
Abstract International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 357 drilled 17 shallow
sites distributed~ 10 km in the spreading direction (from west to east) across the Atlantis …
sites distributed~ 10 km in the spreading direction (from west to east) across the Atlantis …
Hydrostatic Pressure Helps to Cultivate an Original Anaerobic Bacterium From the Atlantis Massif Subseafloor (IODP Expedition 357): Petrocella atlantisensis gen …
Rock-hosted subseafloor habitats are very challenging for life, and current knowledge about
microorganisms inhabiting such lithic environments is still limited. This study explored the …
microorganisms inhabiting such lithic environments is still limited. This study explored the …
Link between melt-impregnation and metamorphism of Atlantis Massif peridotite (IODP Expedition 357)
IODP Expedition 357 drilled 17 shallow sites scattered over~ 10 km in the west to east
spreading direction across the Atlantis Massif oceanic core complex (OCC, MAR, 30 ºN) …
spreading direction across the Atlantis Massif oceanic core complex (OCC, MAR, 30 ºN) …
Retrieving timescales of oceanic crustal evolution at Oceanic Core Complexes: Insights from diffusion modelling of geochemical profiles in olivine
The building of oceanic crust at Oceanic Core Complexes (OCC) has been described as a
complex process involving multiple intrusions of magma over a protracted period of time …
complex process involving multiple intrusions of magma over a protracted period of time …