Concepts, operations, and feasibility of a projection-based variation control system

S Stănciulescu, T Berger… - 2016 IEEE …, 2016 -
Highly configurable software often uses preprocessor annotations to handle variability.
However, understanding, maintaining, and evolving code with such annotations is difficult …

A conceptual model for unifying variability in space and time: Rationale, validation, and illustrative applications

S Ananieva, S Greiner, T Kehrer, J Krüger… - Empirical Software …, 2022 - Springer
With the increasing demand for customized systems and rapidly evolving technology,
software engineering faces many challenges. A particular challenge is the development and …

Software evolution in time and space: Unifying version and variability management (dagstuhl seminar 19191)

T Berger, M Chechik, T Kehrer, M Wimmer - Dagstuhl Reports, 2019 -
Effectively managing versions and variants of software systems are among the main
challenges of software engineering. Over the last decades, two large research fields …