The Late Triassic Extinction at the Norian/Rhaetian boundary: Biotic evidence and geochemical signature

M Rigo, T Onoue, LH Tanner, SG Lucas, L Godfrey… - Earth-Science …, 2020 - Elsevier
The latest Triassic was an interval of prolonged biotic extinction culminating in the end-
Triassic Extinction (ETE). The ETE is now associated with a perturbation of the global carbon …

Earth's impact events through geologic time: a list of recommended ages for terrestrial impact structures and deposits

M Schmieder, DA Kring - Astrobiology, 2020 -
This article presents a current (as of September 2019) list of recommended ages for proven
terrestrial impact structures (n= 200) and deposits (n= 46) sourced from the primary …

Pseudosuchian thermometabolism: A review of the past two decades

MG Faure‐Brac - The Anatomical Record, 2025 - Wiley Online Library
Pseudosuchia, one of the two main clades of Archosauria, is today only represented by
some 20 extant species, the crocodilians, representing only a fraction of its extinct diversity …

The Triassic–Jurassic transition–A review of environmental change at the dawn of modern life

SD Schoepfer, TJ Algeo, B van de Schootbrugge… - Earth-Science …, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract The Triassic–Jurassic transition, which is here broadly defined as extending from
the Late Triassic through the Early Jurassic (~ 237 Ma to 174 Ma), was an important interval …

Application of the 187Re-187Os geochronometer to crustal materials: Systematics, methodology, data reporting, and interpretation

AD Rooney, D Hnatyshin, J Toma… - Geological …, 2024 -
Abstract The rhenium-osmium (187Re-187Os) system is a highly versatile chronometer that
is regularly applied to a wide range of geological and extraterrestrial materials. In addition to …

Rhenium-osmium isotope evidence for the onset of volcanism in the central Panthalassa Ocean during the Norian “chaotic carbon episode”

H Sato, T Nozaki, T Onoue, A Ishikawa, K Soda… - Global and Planetary …, 2023 - Elsevier
The late Norian “chaotic carbon episode” in the Late Triassic has been identified in North
America, Italy, and China, reflecting a global carbon isotope perturbation. Although it has …

A new Rhaetian δ13Corg record: carbon cycle disturbances, volcanism, End-Triassic mass Extinction (ETE)

M Zaffani, F Jadoul, M Rigo - Earth-Science Reviews, 2018 - Elsevier
The links between large-scale volcanism, carbon cycle perturbations and the biotic crises at
the End-Triassic Extinction event (ETE) are not well understood. The ETE seems to be …

Sixteen mass extinctions of the past 541 My correlated with 15 pulses of Large Igneous Province (LIP) volcanism and the 4 largest extraterrestrial impacts

MR Rampino, K Caldeira, S Rodriguez - Global and Planetary Change, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract We find that Large Igneous Province (LIP) volcanism, mostly continental flood
basalts (CFBs), along with the largest extraterrestrial impacts show significant correlations …

Carbon-isotope excursions in the Norian stage (Upper Triassic) of the Baoshan terrane, western Yunnan, China

X **, Y Du, A Bertinelli, Z Shi, N Preto, H Zou… - Journal of Asian Earth …, 2022 - Elsevier
The biostratigraphy and carbon stable isotopes of the Norian Stage (Upper Triassic) are well
studied in the western Tethys, but little information is available from the eastern Tethys …

The missing mass extinction at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary

SG Lucas, LH Tanner - The Late Triassic World: Earth in a Time of …, 2018 - Springer
Abstract The Late Triassic was a prolonged episode characterized by high rates of biotic
turnover and discrete extinction events due to elevated extinction rates for some biotic …