Reconstruction for limited-data nonlinear tomographic absorption spectroscopy via deep learning
Nonlinear tomographic absorption spectroscopy (NTAS) is an emerging gas sensing
technique for reactive flows that has been proven to be capable of simultaneously imaging …
technique for reactive flows that has been proven to be capable of simultaneously imaging …
Multiparameter gas sensing with linear hyperspectral absorption tomography
Hyperspectral absorption tomography (HAT) reconstructs the distribution of key gas
parameters, including composition, pressure, and temperature, from multi-beam absorbance …
parameters, including composition, pressure, and temperature, from multi-beam absorbance …
Computational flow visualization to reveal hidden properties of complex flow with optical and computational methods
Flow visualization has long played a crucial role in understanding complex fluid dynamics,
especially reactive flows, but traditional techniques face limitations in realizing the …
especially reactive flows, but traditional techniques face limitations in realizing the …
Three-dimensional rapid flame chemiluminescence tomography via deep learning
Flame chemiluminescence tomography (FCT) plays an important role in combustion
monitoring and diagnostics due to the easy implementation and non-intrusion. However, on …
monitoring and diagnostics due to the easy implementation and non-intrusion. However, on …
A quality-hierarchical temperature imaging network for TDLAS tomography
J Si, G Fu, Y Cheng, R Zhang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) tomography is a well-established
combustion diagnostic technique for imaging 2-D cross-sectional distributions of critical flow …
combustion diagnostic technique for imaging 2-D cross-sectional distributions of critical flow …
Super-resolution computed tomography imaging spectrometry
Computed tomography imaging spectrometry (CTIS) is a snapshot spectral imaging
technique that relies on a limited number of projections of the target data cube (2D spatial …
technique that relies on a limited number of projections of the target data cube (2D spatial …
Compressing convolutional neural networks using POD for the reconstruction of nonlinear tomographic absorption spectroscopy
Nonlinear tomographic absorption spectroscopy (NTAS) is an imaging technique that
inherits the advantages of both absorption spectroscopy and tomography such as species …
inherits the advantages of both absorption spectroscopy and tomography such as species …
[HTML][HTML] Deep learning algorithms for temperature field reconstruction of nonlinear tomographic absorption spectroscopy
Nonlinear tomography can be combined with line-of-sight measurement techniques and
take the full advantage of the nonlinear relationship between the target fields to be …
take the full advantage of the nonlinear relationship between the target fields to be …
Hierarchical temperature imaging using pseudoinversed convolutional neural network aided TDLAS tomography
J Si, G Li, Y Cheng, R Zhang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
As an in situ combustion diagnostic tool, tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy
(TDLAS) tomography has been widely used for imaging 2-D temperature distributions in …
(TDLAS) tomography has been widely used for imaging 2-D temperature distributions in …
Untrained neural network for linear tomographic absorption spectroscopy
Linear tomographic absorption spectroscopy (LTAS) is a non-destructive diagnostic
technique widely employed for gas sensing. The inverse problem of LTAS represents a …
technique widely employed for gas sensing. The inverse problem of LTAS represents a …