Linking parent–child and peer relationship quality to empathy in adolescence: A multilevel meta-analysis

S Boele, J Van der Graaff, M De Wied… - Journal of youth and …, 2019 - Springer
Empathy, which is the ability to feel concern for and to understand others' feelings, is thought
to develop in high quality relationships with parent and peers, but also to facilitate the quality …

Empathy from infancy to adolescence: An attachment perspective on the development of individual differences

JA Stern, J Cassidy - Developmental Review, 2018 - Elsevier
Empathy involves understanding and “feeling with” others' emotions, and is an essential
capacity underlying sensitive care in humans and other species. Evidence suggests that the …

A construct divided: Prosocial behavior as hel**, sharing, and comforting subtypes

KA Dunfield - Frontiers in psychology, 2014 -
The development and maintenance of prosocial, other-oriented behaviors has been of
considerable recent interest. Though it is clear that prosocial behaviors emerge early and …

Associations between maternal and paternal parenting behaviors, anxiety and its precursors in early childhood: A meta-analysis

EL Möller, M Nikolić, M Majdandžić… - Clinical psychology review, 2016 - Elsevier
In this meta-analysis we investigated differential associations between maternal and
paternal parenting behaviors (overcontrol, overprotection, overinvolvement, autonomy …

[КНИГА][B] Reforming juvenile justice: A developmental approach

National Research Council - 2013 -
Adolescence is a distinct, yet transient, period of development between childhood and
adulthood characterized by increased experimentation and risk-taking, a tendency to …

[КНИГА][B] Moral development and reality: Beyond the theories of Kohlberg, Hoffman, and Haidt

JC Gibbs - 2019 -
Moral Development and Reality explores the nature of moral development, human behavior,
and social interconnections. The exploration elucidates the full range of moral development …

Socialization of early prosocial behavior: Parents' talk about emotions is associated with sharing and hel** in toddlers

CA Brownell, M Svetlova, R Anderson, SR Nichols… - Infancy, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
What role does socialization play in the origins of prosocial behavior? We examined one
potential socialization mechanism–parents' discourse about others' emotions with very …

The contribution of teachers' emotional support to children's social behaviors and self-regulatory skills in first grade

EG Merritt, SB Wanless, SE Rimm-Kaufman… - School psychology …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
The present observational study used hierarchical linear modeling to examine predictors of
children's social and self-regulatory outcomes in first-grade classrooms. Specifically, goals …

Why young people do things for the environment: The role of parenting for adolescents' motivation to engage in pro-environmental behaviour

A Grønhøj, J Thøgersen - Journal of environmental psychology, 2017 - Elsevier
It is well documented that parents' behaviour and family norms exert a significant influence
on young people's pro-environmental attitudes and behaviour. But what is the role of …

[КНИГА][B] Handbook of moral development

M Killen, JG Smetana - 2013 -
The Handbook of Moral Development is the definitive source of theory and research on the
development of morality. Since the publication of the first edition, ground-breaking …