A literature review on additional semantic information conveyed from driving automation systems to drivers through advanced in-vehicle hmi just before, during, and …

W Liu, Q Li, Z Wang, W Wang, C Zeng… - International Journal of …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
In-vehicle human-machine interface (HMI) plays a significant role in accomplishing effective
interactions between driving automation systems and drivers, especially during the transition …

Investigating impact of situation awareness-based displays of semi-autonomous driving in urgent situations

H Kim, J Hong, S Lee - Transportation research part F: traffic psychology …, 2024 - Elsevier
Semi-autonomous vehicles still require drivers to take over in an unexpected situation. In
this situation, the increased cognitive load on the driver can lead to distraction, which in turn …

Is driving automation used as intended? Real-world use of partially automated driving systems and their safety consequences

H Kim, M Song, Z Doerzaph - Transportation research record, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
Advanced driver assistance systems with SAE Level 2 automated capabilities have entered
the vehicle marketplace. Such driving automation systems (DASs) have the potential to …

Towards a guide for developers and novice researchers on human-centered design of the take-over request—Combining user experience and human factors

A Lindner, T Stoll - Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, 2023 - Springer
With major developments in road traffic, especially automated and connected driving, new
challenges in designing human-vehicle interaction arise. Human Factors is a field of …

Hand Over, Move Over, Take Over-What Automotive Developers Have to Consider Furthermore for Driver's Take-Over

M Schäffer, P Pomiersky, W Remlinger - Automatisiertes Fahren 2021 …, 2021 - Springer
Autonomous driving allows for the first time from a legal point of view to permanently pursue
non-driving related tasks. While during highly automated driving (SAE Level 3) the driver …

HEDGEHOG: A Steering Wheel Prototype to Continuously Enhance Driver's Situation Awareness During Conditional Vehicle Automation

GD Gomes, R Flynn, N Murray - … of the 14th International Conference on …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
In the Automated Driving Systems domain, conditional automation requires the driver to be
ready to resume vehicle control if a Take-Over Request is triggered. Kee** a constant alert …

A Takeover Framework for Autonomous Vehicles to Enhance Safety and Driving Experience

S Chavan - 2024 - search.proquest.com
Autonomous driving technology, particularly Level 3 autonomy, promises to reduce highway
accidents. Traditional fixed-rule approaches fail to account for driver variability and dynamic …

Investigating Impact of Situation Awareness-Based Displays of Semi-Autonomous in Urgent Situations

H Kim, J Hong, S Lee - Available at SSRN 4650720 - papers.ssrn.com
Semi-autonomous vehicles still require drivers to take over in an unexpected situation. In
this situation, the increased cognitive load on the driver can lead to distraction, which in turn …