Genetic diversity loss in the Anthropocene
Anthropogenic habitat loss and climate change are reducing species' geographic ranges,
increasing extinction risk and losses of species' genetic diversity. Although preserving …
increasing extinction risk and losses of species' genetic diversity. Although preserving …
Insights into invasive species from whole‐genome resequencing
Studies of invasive species can simultaneously inform management strategies and quantify
rapid evolution in the wild. The role of genomics in invasion science is increasingly …
rapid evolution in the wild. The role of genomics in invasion science is increasingly …
Genomic investigations of successful invasions: the picture emerging from recent studies
Invasion biology aims to identify traits and mechanisms that contribute to successful
invasions, while also providing general insights into the mechanisms underlying population …
invasions, while also providing general insights into the mechanisms underlying population …
Can Transcriptomics Elucidate the Role of Regulation in Invasion Success?
When a species invades a novel environment, it must bridge the environment–phenotype
mismatch in its new range to persist. Contemporary invasion biology research has focused …
mismatch in its new range to persist. Contemporary invasion biology research has focused …
Contrasting continental patterns of adaptive population divergence in the holarctic ectomycorrhizal fungus Boletus edulis
In the hyperdiverse fungi, the process of speciation is virtually unknown, including for the>
20 000 species of ectomycorrhizal mutualists. To understand this process, we investigated …
20 000 species of ectomycorrhizal mutualists. To understand this process, we investigated …
[HTML][HTML] Reconstructing the Invasive History and Potential Distribution Prediction of Amaranthus palmeri in China
X Jiao, M Long, J Li, Q Yang, Z Liu - Agronomy, 2023 - mdpi.com
Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri, Amaranthaceae) is one of the most competitive,
troublesome, and noxious weeds causing significant yield reductions in various crops. A …
troublesome, and noxious weeds causing significant yield reductions in various crops. A …
High‐performing plastic clones best explain the spread of yellow monkeyflower from lowland to higher elevation areas in New Zealand
The relative contribution of adaptation and phenotypic plasticity can vary between core and
edge populations, with implications for invasive success. We investigated the spread of the …
edge populations, with implications for invasive success. We investigated the spread of the …
Current stewardship practices in invasion biology limit the value and secondary use of genomic data
Invasive species threaten native biota, putting fragile ecosystems at risk and having a large‐
scale impact on primary industries. Growing trade networks and the popularity of personal …
scale impact on primary industries. Growing trade networks and the popularity of personal …
Population genomic consequences of life-history and mating system adaptation to a geothermal soil mosaic in yellow monkeyflowers
Local selection can promote phenotypic divergence despite gene flow across habitat
mosaics, but adaptation itself may generate substantial barriers to genetic exchange. In …
mosaics, but adaptation itself may generate substantial barriers to genetic exchange. In …
Rapid local adaptation in both sexual and asexual invasive populations of monkeyflowers (Mimulus spp.)
Abstract Background and Aims Traditionally, local adaptation has been seen as the outcome
of a long evolutionary history, particularly with regard to sexual lineages. By contrast …
of a long evolutionary history, particularly with regard to sexual lineages. By contrast …