Combustion machine learning: Principles, progress and prospects

M Ihme, WT Chung, AA Mishra - Progress in Energy and Combustion …, 2022 - Elsevier
Progress in combustion science and engineering has led to the generation of large amounts
of data from large-scale simulations, high-resolution experiments, and sensors. This corpus …

Premixed flames subjected to extreme turbulence: Some questions and recent answers

JF Driscoll, JH Chen, AW Skiba, CD Carter… - Progress in Energy and …, 2020 - Elsevier
It has been predicted that several changes will occur when premixed flames are subjected to
the extreme levels of turbulence that can be found in practical combustors. This paper is a …

Premixed flames subjected to extreme levels of turbulence part I: Flame structure and a new measured regime diagram

AW Skiba, TM Wabel, CD Carter, SD Hammack… - Combustion and …, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper presents high-fidelity flame structure measurements of premixed methane–air
Bunsen flames subjected to extreme levels of turbulence. Specifically, 28 cases were …

Structure and dynamics of highly turbulent premixed combustion

AM Steinberg, PE Hamlington, X Zhao - Progress in Energy and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Turbulent premixed combustion involves simultaneous and mutually interacting fluid,
chemical, and transport phenomena spanning a wide range of spatial and temporal scales …

Direct numerical simulations of a high Karlovitz number laboratory premixed jet flame–an analysis of flame stretch and flame thickening

H Wang, ER Hawkes, JH Chen, B Zhou, Z Li… - Journal of Fluid …, 2017 -
This article reports an analysis of the first detailed chemistry direct numerical simulation
(DNS) of a high Karlovitz number laboratory premixed flame. The DNS results are first …

Recent developments in DNS of turbulent combustion

P Domingo, L Vervisch - Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023 - Elsevier
The simulation of turbulent flames fully resolving the smallest flow scales and the thinnest
reaction zones goes along with specific requirements, which are discussed from …

Stratified turbulent flames: Recent advances in understanding the influence of mixture inhomogeneities on premixed combustion and modeling challenges

AN Lipatnikov - Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2017 - Elsevier
The goals of the present review paper are;(i) to introduce experimental facilities and
numerical tools applied to investigating inhomogeneously premixed flames,(ii) to summarize …

The effects of turbulence on the flame structure and NO formation of ammonia turbulent premixed combustion at various equivalence ratios

T Tian, C Song, H Wang, C Xu, K Luo, J Fan - Fuel, 2023 - Elsevier
Ammonia is carbon-free and is regarded as a potential fuel to address global warming
issues. In this work, three-dimensional direct numerical simulations (DNS) of ammonia/air …

Turbulent burning velocity and its related statistics of ammonia‐hydrogen‐air jet flames at high Karlovitz number: Effect of differential diffusion

X Cai, Q Fan, XS Bai, J Wang, M Zhang… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 - Elsevier
To clarify the role of differential diffusion in highly turbulent premixed flames, a series of
turbulent premixed ammonia/hydrogen/air flames were investigated using the NH-PLIF …

Emission characteristics and heat release rate surrogates for ammonia premixed laminar flames

M Cheng, H Wang, H **ao, K Luo, J Fan - International Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
Ammonia is a carbon-free fuel that has the potential to meet increasing energy demand and
to reduce CO 2 emissions. In the present work, the characteristics of pollutant emissions in …