A survey on popularity bias in recommender systems
Recommender systems help people find relevant content in a personalized way. One main
promise of such systems is that they are able to increase the visibility of items in the long tail …
promise of such systems is that they are able to increase the visibility of items in the long tail …
Cpfair: Personalized consumer and producer fairness re-ranking for recommender systems
Recently, there has been a rising awareness that when machine learning (ML) algorithms
are used to automate choices, they may treat/affect individuals unfairly, with legal, ethical, or …
are used to automate choices, they may treat/affect individuals unfairly, with legal, ethical, or …
[HTML][HTML] A survey on fairness-aware recommender systems
As information filtering services, recommender systems have extremely enriched our daily
life by providing personalized suggestions and facilitating people in decision-making, which …
life by providing personalized suggestions and facilitating people in decision-making, which …
Evaluating unfairness of popularity bias in recommender systems: A comprehensive user-centric analysis
The popularity bias problem is one of the most prominent challenges of recommender
systems, ie, while a few heavily rated items receive much attention in presented …
systems, ie, while a few heavily rated items receive much attention in presented …
Experiments on generalizability of user-oriented fairness in recommender systems
Recent work in recommender systems mainly focuses on fairness in recommendations as
an important aspect of measuring recommendations quality. A fairness-aware recommender …
an important aspect of measuring recommendations quality. A fairness-aware recommender …
[HTML][HTML] A comparative analysis of bias amplification in graph neural network approaches for recommender systems
Recommender Systems (RSs) are used to provide users with personalized item
recommendations and help them overcome the problem of information overload. Currently …
recommendations and help them overcome the problem of information overload. Currently …
Improving conversational recommendation systems via bias analysis and language-model-enhanced data augmentation
Conversational Recommendation System (CRS) is a rapidly growing research area that has
gained significant attention alongside advancements in language modelling techniques …
gained significant attention alongside advancements in language modelling techniques …
EqBal-RS: Mitigating popularity bias in recommender systems
Recommender systems are deployed heavily by many online platforms for better user
engagement and providing recommendations. Despite being so popular, several works …
engagement and providing recommendations. Despite being so popular, several works …
Exploring the impact of temporal bias in point-of-interest recommendation
Recommending appropriate travel destinations to consumers based on contextual
information such as their check-in time and location is a primary objective of Point-of-Interest …
information such as their check-in time and location is a primary objective of Point-of-Interest …
Popularity bias in personality perspective: An analysis of how personality traits expose individuals to the unfair recommendation
Recommender systems are subject to well‐known popularity bias issues, that is, they
expose frequently rated items more in recommendation lists than less‐rated ones. Such a …
expose frequently rated items more in recommendation lists than less‐rated ones. Such a …