Energy efficiency in the future internet: a survey of existing approaches and trends in energy-aware fixed network infrastructures
The concept of energy-efficient networking has begun to spread in the past few years,
gaining increasing popularity. Besides the widespread sensitivity to ecological issues, such …
gaining increasing popularity. Besides the widespread sensitivity to ecological issues, such …
System-level power optimization: techniques and tools
This tutorial surveys design methods for energy-efficient system-level design. We consider
electronic sytems consisting of a hardware platform and software layers. We consider the …
electronic sytems consisting of a hardware platform and software layers. We consider the …
A closer look at spatiotemporal convolutions for action recognition
In this paper we discuss several forms of spatiotemporal convolutions for video analysis and
study their effects on action recognition. Our motivation stems from the observation that 2D …
study their effects on action recognition. Our motivation stems from the observation that 2D …
Managing overloaded hosts for dynamic consolidation of virtual machines in cloud data centers under quality of service constraints
Dynamic consolidation of virtual machines (VMs) is an effective way to improve the
utilization of resources and energy efficiency in cloud data centers. Determining when it is …
utilization of resources and energy efficiency in cloud data centers. Determining when it is …
A survey of design techniques for system-level dynamic power management
Dynamic power management (DPM) is a design methodology for dynamically reconfiguring
systems to provide the requested services and performance levels with a minimum number …
systems to provide the requested services and performance levels with a minimum number …
Reducing the energy consumption of Ethernet with adaptive link rate (ALR)
C Gunaratne, K Christensen… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The rapidly increasing energy consumption by computing and communications equipment is
a significant economic and environmental problem that needs to be addressed. Ethernet …
a significant economic and environmental problem that needs to be addressed. Ethernet …
[PDF][PDF] Energy-efficient management of virtual machines in data centers for cloud computing
A Beloglazov - 2013 - jarrett.cis.unimelb.edu.au
Cloud computing has revolutionized the information technology industry by enabling elastic
on-demand provisioning of computing resources. The proliferation of Cloud computing has …
on-demand provisioning of computing resources. The proliferation of Cloud computing has …
Machine learning for power, energy, and thermal management on multicore processors: A survey
Due to the high integration density and roadblock of voltage scaling, modern multicore
processors experience higher power densities than previous technology scaling nodes …
processors experience higher power densities than previous technology scaling nodes …
A cooperative game theoretical technique for joint optimization of energy consumption and response time in computational grids
SU Khan, I Ahmad - IEEE Transactions on Parallel and …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
With the explosive growth in computers and the growing scarcity in electric supply, reduction
of energy consumption in large-scale computing systems has become a research issue of …
of energy consumption in large-scale computing systems has become a research issue of …
Comparing system level power management policies
Reducing power consumption is a challenge to system designers. Portable systems, such as
laptop computers and personal digital assistants (PDAs), draw power from batteries, so …
laptop computers and personal digital assistants (PDAs), draw power from batteries, so …