[HTML][HTML] Deep learning for urban land use category classification: A review and experimental assessment
Map** the distribution, pattern, and composition of urban land use categories plays a
valuable role in understanding urban environmental dynamics and facilitating sustainable …
valuable role in understanding urban environmental dynamics and facilitating sustainable …
[HTML][HTML] Land use and land cover map** in the era of big data
C Zhang, X Li - Land, 2022 - mdpi.com
We are currently living in the era of big data. The volume of collected or archived geospatial
data for land use and land cover (LULC) map** including remotely sensed satellite …
data for land use and land cover (LULC) map** including remotely sensed satellite …
[HTML][HTML] Review of web map**: Eras, trends and directions
Web map** and the use of geospatial information online have evolved rapidly over the
past few decades. Almost everyone in the world uses map** information, whether or not …
past few decades. Almost everyone in the world uses map** information, whether or not …
[HTML][HTML] Towards self-service gis—combining the best of the semantic web and web gis
The field of geographic information science has grown exponentially over the last few
decades and, particularly within the context of the pervasiveness of the internet, bears …
decades and, particularly within the context of the pervasiveness of the internet, bears …
A web GIS-based integration of 3D digital models with linked open data for cultural heritage exploration
In recent years, considerable efforts have been made by cultural heritage institutions across
the globe to digitise cultural heritage sites, artifacts, historical maps, etc. for digital …
the globe to digitise cultural heritage sites, artifacts, historical maps, etc. for digital …
[HTML][HTML] A survey of geospatial semantic web for cultural heritage
The amount of digital cultural heritage data produced by cultural heritage institutions is
growing rapidly. Digital cultural heritage repositories have therefore become an efficient and …
growing rapidly. Digital cultural heritage repositories have therefore become an efficient and …
A novel ontology consistent with acknowledged standards in smart homes
With the development of Internet of Things, the Smart Home equipped with various sensors
and devices has become a hot area attracting global attention and concern. In order to get a …
and devices has become a hot area attracting global attention and concern. In order to get a …
Normalizing the pandemic: exploring the cartographic issues in state government COVID-19 dashboards
Government agencies have utilized Web Geographic Information Systems (GIS) dashboards
to collect and disseminate spatial information on COVID-19. However, not all maps on these …
to collect and disseminate spatial information on COVID-19. However, not all maps on these …
[Књига][B] Big data and computational intelligence in networking
This book presents state-of-the-art solutions to the theoretical and practical challenges
stemming from the leverage of big data and its computational intelligence in supporting …
stemming from the leverage of big data and its computational intelligence in supporting …
The map as knowledge base
DE Varanka, EL Usery - International Journal of Cartography, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This paper examines the concept and implementation of a map as a knowledge base. A
map as a knowledge base means that the visual map is not only the descriptive compilation …
map as a knowledge base means that the visual map is not only the descriptive compilation …