Map** virtual machines onto physical machines in cloud computing: A survey
Cloud computing enables users to provision resources on demand and execute applications
in a way that meets their requirements by choosing virtual resources that fit their application …
in a way that meets their requirements by choosing virtual resources that fit their application …
Power-aware and performance-guaranteed virtual machine placement in the cloud
H Zhao, J Wang, F Liu, Q Wang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cloud service providers offer virtual machines (VMs) as services to users over Internet. As
VMs are running on physical machines (PMs), PM power consumption needs to be …
VMs are running on physical machines (PMs), PM power consumption needs to be …
Dejavu: accelerating resource allocation in virtualized environments
N Vasić, D Novaković, S Miučin, D Kostić… - Proceedings of the …, 2012 - dl.acm.org
Effective resource management of virtualized environments is a challenging task. State-of-
the-art management systems either rely on analytical models or evaluate resource …
the-art management systems either rely on analytical models or evaluate resource …
Condensed cube: An effective approach to reducing data cube size
Pre-computed data cube facilitates OLAP (on-line analytical processing). It is well-known
that data cube computation is an expensive operation. While most algorithms have been …
that data cube computation is an expensive operation. While most algorithms have been …
AES power attack based on induced cache miss and countermeasure
This paper presents a new attack against a software implementation of the Advanced
Encryption Standard. The attack aims at flushing elements of the SBOX from the cache, thus …
Encryption Standard. The attack aims at flushing elements of the SBOX from the cache, thus …
Aggressive resource provisioning for ensuring QoS in virtualized environments
J Liu, Y Zhang, Y Zhou, D Zhang… - IEEE transactions on …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Elasticity has now become the elemental feature of cloud computing as it enables the ability
to dynamically add or remove virtual machine instances when workload changes. However …
to dynamically add or remove virtual machine instances when workload changes. However …
A performance interference model for managing consolidated workloads in QoS-aware clouds
Q Zhu, T Tung - 2012 IEEE fifth international conference on …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cloud computing offers users the ability to access large pools of computational and storage
resources on-demand without the burden of managing and maintaining their own IT assets …
resources on-demand without the burden of managing and maintaining their own IT assets …
PIQL: Success-tolerant query processing in the cloud
Newly-released web applications often succumb to a" Success Disaster," where overloaded
database machines and resulting high response times destroy a previously good user …
database machines and resulting high response times destroy a previously good user …
Matrix: Achieving predictable virtual machine performance in the clouds
The success of cloud computing builds largely upon on-demand supply of virtual machines
(VMs) that provide the abstraction of a physical machine on shared resources. Unfortunately …
(VMs) that provide the abstraction of a physical machine on shared resources. Unfortunately …
A bayesian approach to online performance modeling for database appliances using gaussian models
In order to meet service level agreements (SLAs) and to maintain peak performance for
database management systems (DBMS), database administrators (DBAs) need to …
database management systems (DBMS), database administrators (DBAs) need to …