Automated termination proofs for Haskell by term rewriting

J Giesl, M Raffelsieper, P Schneider-Kamp… - ACM Transactions on …, 2011 -
There are many powerful techniques for automated termination analysis of term rewriting.
However, up to now they have hardly been used for real programming languages. We …

Context-sensitive dependency pairs

B Alarcón, R Gutiérrez, S Lucas - Information and Computation, 2010 - Elsevier
Termination is one of the most interesting problems when dealing with context-sensitive
rewrite systems. Although a good number of techniques for proving termination of context …

Applications and extensions of context-sensitive rewriting

S Lucas - Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in …, 2021 - Elsevier
Context-sensitive rewriting is a restriction of term rewriting which is obtained by imposing
replacement restrictions on the arguments of function symbols. It has proven useful to …

Lazy productivity via termination

J Endrullis, D Hendriks - Theoretical Computer Science, 2011 - Elsevier
We present a procedure for transforming strongly sequential constructor-based term
rewriting systems (TRSs) into context-sensitive TRSs in such a way that productivity of the …

Proving productivity in infinite data structures

H Zantema, M Raffelsieper - Proceedings of the 21st International …, 2010 -
1. Introduction Page 1 International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications
2010 (Edinburgh), pp. 401-416 PROVING PRODUCTIVITY IN …

Characterizing and proving operational termination of deterministic conditional term rewriting systems

F Schernhammer, B Gramlich - The Journal of Logic and Algebraic …, 2010 - Elsevier
We investigate the practically crucial property of operational termination of deterministic
conditional term rewriting systems (DCTRSs), an important declarative programming …

Proving termination in the context-sensitive dependency pair framework

R Gutiérrez, S Lucas - International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its …, 2010 - Springer
Termination of context-sensitive rewriting (CSR) is an interesting problem with several
applications in the fields of term rewriting and in the analysis of programming languages like …

A faithful encoding of programmable strategies into term rewriting systems

H Cirstea, S Lenglet, PE Moreau - 2015 -
Rewriting is a formalism widely used in computer science and mathematical logic. When
using rewriting as a programming or modeling paradigm, the rewrite rules describe the …

Stream productivity by outermost termination

H Zantema, M Raffelsieper - arxiv preprint arxiv:1001.4381, 2010 -
Streams are infinite sequences over a given data type. A stream specification is a set of
equations intended to define a stream. A core property is productivity: unfolding the …

Transforming outermost into context-sensitive rewriting

J Endrullis, D Hendriks - Logical Methods in Computer …, 2010 -
We define two transformations from term rewriting systems (TRSs) to context-sensitive TRSs
in such a way that termination of the target system implies outermost termination of the …