[HTML][HTML] The effectiveness of school-based interventions on obesity-related behaviours in primary school children: a systematic review and meta-analysis of …
School-based interventions are promising for targeting a change in obesity-related
behaviours in children. However, the efficacy of school-based interventions to prevent …
behaviours in children. However, the efficacy of school-based interventions to prevent …
[HTML][HTML] Digital interventions to promote healthy eating in children: umbrella review
R Prowse, S Carsley - JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 2021 - pediatrics.jmir.org
Background eHealth and web-based service delivery have become increasingly common
during the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital interventions may be highly appealing to young …
during the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital interventions may be highly appealing to young …
[HTML][HTML] How primary school curriculums in 11 countries around the world deliver food education and address food literacy: A policy analysis
(1) Background: As one of the biggest drivers of health and climate change, the food system
has unrealised potential to influence consumption toward affordable, healthy, sustainable …
has unrealised potential to influence consumption toward affordable, healthy, sustainable …
Interpretation on dietary guidelines for Chinese school-aged children (2022).
N Zhang, W Zhu, M Zhang, G Ma - 2022 - cabidigitallibrary.org
School-aged children grow and develop rapidly, and adequate nutrition is the material basis
for their normal intellectual and physical development. It is necessary to formulate the dietary …
for their normal intellectual and physical development. It is necessary to formulate the dietary …
《 **学龄儿童膳食指南 (2022)》 解读
张娜, 朱文丽, 张曼, 马冠生 - **学校卫生, 2022 - cjsh.org.cn
学龄儿童生长发育迅速, 充足的营养是其智力和体格**常发育的物质基础,
有必要在一般人群膳食指南的基础上制定学龄儿童膳食指南, 并根据学龄儿童营养健康变化情况 …
有必要在一般人群膳食指南的基础上制定学龄儿童膳食指南, 并根据学龄儿童营养健康变化情况 …
A school-based food and nutrition education intervention increases nutrition-related knowledge and fruit consumption among primary school children in northern …
Background Providing children with the opportunity to learn about nutrition is critical in
hel** them establish a healthy lifestyle and eating behaviours that would remain with them …
hel** them establish a healthy lifestyle and eating behaviours that would remain with them …
Improvement of Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet through a Nutrition Education Teaching Pack for Teachers within the “School Fruit Scheme” Program: An Italian …
R Roccaldo, L Censi, L D'Addezio, S Berni Canani… - Nutrients, 2024 - mdpi.com
A previous short time span study related to the effectiveness of a teaching pack (TP) in
improving the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (MD) showed positive results. The …
improving the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (MD) showed positive results. The …
Predicted impact of banning nonessential, energy-dense food and beverages in schools in Mexico: A microsimulation study
Background Childhood obesity is a growing concern worldwide. School-based interventions
have been proposed as effective means to improve nutritional knowledge and prevent …
have been proposed as effective means to improve nutritional knowledge and prevent …
[HTML][HTML] How can we increase the Nutrition-related knowledge in children aged 7–12 years: results of focus groups interviews with parents—Junior-Edu-Żywienie (JEŻ …
Nutrition education is a long-term process that should cover various population groups. A
special focus should be placed on children, adolescents and their parents. The aim of this …
special focus should be placed on children, adolescents and their parents. The aim of this …
[HTML][HTML] Effects of a school-based gardening, cooking, and nutrition cluster randomized controlled trial on unprocessed and ultra-processed food consumption
Background School-based gardening and nutrition education interventions report
improvements in dietary intake, notably through fruit and vegetables. However, gardening …
improvements in dietary intake, notably through fruit and vegetables. However, gardening …