Collaboration behavioural factors for sustainable agri-food supply chains: A systematic review

WAP Dania, K **ng, Y Amer - Journal of cleaner production, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract 3 Meaningful collaboration among heterogeneous stakeholders is essential for
achieving sustainability in agri-food supply chains. A substantial amount of research has …

Improved salp swarm algorithm based on particle swarm optimization for feature selection

RA Ibrahim, AA Ewees, D Oliva, M Abd Elaziz… - Journal of Ambient …, 2019 - Springer
Feature selection (FS) is a machine learning process commonly used to reduce the high
dimensionality problems of datasets. This task permits to extract the most representative …

A hybrid particle swarm optimization for feature subset selection by integrating a novel local search strategy

P Moradi, M Gholampour - Applied soft computing, 2016 - Elsevier
Feature selection has been widely used in data mining and machine learning tasks to make
a model with a small number of features which improves the classifier's accuracy. In this …

[PDF][PDF] A survey on feature selection techniques and classification algorithms for efficient text classification

P Kumbhar, M Mali - International Journal of Science and Research, 2016 -
The rapid growth of World Wide Web has led to explosive growth of information. As most of
information is stored in the form of texts, text mining has gained paramount importance. With …

Feature subset selection approach by gray-wolf optimization

E Emary, HM Zawbaa, C Grosan… - … -European Conference for …, 2015 - Springer
Feature selection algorithm explores the data to eliminate noisy, irrelevant, redundant data,
and simultaneously optimize the classification performance. In this paper, a classification …

A new local search based hybrid genetic algorithm for feature selection

MM Kabir, M Shahjahan, K Murase - Neurocomputing, 2011 - Elsevier
This paper presents a new hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) for feature selection (FS), called
as HGAFS. The vital aspect of this algorithm is the selection of salient feature subset within a …

A new hybrid ant colony optimization algorithm for feature selection

MM Kabir, M Shahjahan, K Murase - Expert Systems with Applications, 2012 - Elsevier
In this paper, we propose a new hybrid ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm for feature
selection (FS), called ACOFS, using a neural network. A key aspect of this algorithm is the …

A new wrapper feature selection approach using neural network

MM Kabir, MM Islam, K Murase - Neurocomputing, 2010 - Elsevier
This paper presents a new feature selection (FS) algorithm based on the wrapper approach
using neural networks (NNs). The vital aspect of this algorithm is the automatic …

A rough set approach to feature selection based on ant colony optimization

Y Chen, D Miao, R Wang - Pattern Recognition Letters, 2010 - Elsevier
Rough set theory is one of the effective methods to feature selection, which can preserve the
meaning of the features. The essence of rough set approach to feature selection is to find a …

Feature selection using forest optimization algorithm

M Ghaemi, MR Feizi-Derakhshi - Pattern Recognition, 2016 - Elsevier
Feature selection as a combinatorial optimization problem is an important preprocessing
step in data mining; which improves the performance of the learning algorithms with the help …