Playful encounters: Games for geopolitical change

D Bos - Geopolitics, 2023‏ - Taylor & Francis
Bringing together literatures on play,(video) games, and alter (native) geopolitics this paper
explores how digital games offer playful encounters that challenge popular understandings …

Video games as complex narratives and embodied metalepsis

A Ensslin - The Routledge companion to narrative theory, 2022‏ -
This chapter explores questions of narrativity, complexity, interactivity, world-building, and
embodiment in contemporary video games. It begins with an examination of how story …

The new “Great Game”? Decolonizing wargames in the era of China's rise

LTS Ching - Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 2023‏ - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT The “new” Great Game suggests that, like the imperial competition of the past,
we are witnessing a trans-imperial moment whereby Japan and China are vying for …

[PDF][PDF] Reflections on Violence and Death in Critical War Games

S Lutters - Doctoral diss., Ghent University, 2021‏ -
Death and violence are prominent features in video games centered around war. These are
largely dominated by hegemonic war/military games that–among other things–render them …

[PDF][PDF] Effets du niveau d'interactivité et du rejeu dans les récits interactifs

N Szilas‏ -
RÉSUMÉ L'objectif de cette recherche est de mesurer les effets du niveau d'interactivité et
du rejeu du récit interactif sur l'évolution de huit représentations sociales vis-à-vis des …