Honeybees of Africa

HR Hepburn, SE Radloff - 2013 - books.google.com
A comprehensive review of the honeybees of Africa on a subspecies as well as by country
basis. Includes an updated multivariate analysis of the subspecies based on the merger of …

THE AFRICAN HONEY BEE: Factors Contributing to a Successful Biological Invasion

S Scott Schneider, G DeGrandi-Hoffman… - Annual Reviews in …, 2004 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract The African honey bee subspecies Apis mellifera scutellata has colonized much of
the Americas in less than 50 years and has largely replaced European bees throughout its …

Ecology and Management of African Honey Bees (Apis mellifera L.)

M Frazier, E Muli, H Patch - Annual Review of Entomology, 2024 - annualreviews.org
In Africa, humans evolved as honey hunters of honey bee subspecies adapted to diverse
geographical regions. Beekee** today is practiced much as it was when Africans moved …

Honey bees preferentially consume freshly-stored pollen

MJ Carroll, N Brown, C Goodall, AM Downs… - PloS one, 2017 - journals.plos.org
Honey bees (Apis mellifera) collect and store both honey and pollen in preserved forms.
Pollen storage involves the addition of honey or nectar and oral secretions to pollen …

Colony migration in the tropical honey beeApis dorsata F. (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

FC Dyer, TD Seeley - Insectes Sociaux, 1994 - Springer
To obtain insights into the organization and adaptive significance of seasonal migration by
colonies of the giant honey bee, Apis dorsata, we monitored the arrivals and departures of …

A comparison of bee bread made by Africanized and European honey bees (Apis mellifera) and its effects on hemolymph protein titers

G DeGrandi-Hoffman, BJ Eckholm, MH Huang - Apidologie, 2013 - Springer
The influence of genotype on the conversion of pollen to bee bread and on the protein titers
of bees feeding on it was examined using European and Africanized honey bees (EHB and …

Colonización, impacto y control de las abejas melíferas africanizadas en México

E Guzmán-Novoa, AC Benítez, LGE Montaño… - Veterinaria …, 2011 - medigraphic.com
En este trabajo recapitulativo se describe el proceso de colonización y reemplazo de las
poblaciones de abejas melíferas europeas por africanizadas, así como las características …

Survival strategies of stingless bees (Melipona subnitida) in an unpredictable environment, the Brazilian tropical dry forest

C Maia-Silva, M Hrncir, CI da Silva… - Apidologie, 2015 - Springer
Unpredictable environments are a challenge to highly eusocial bees because unreliable
food availability, owing mainly to seasonally unpredictable precipitation rates, renders the …

Density of wild honey bee, Apis mellifera, colonies worldwide

OD Visick, FLW Ratnieks - Ecology and Evolution, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The western honey bee, Apis mellifera, lives worldwide in approximately 102 million
managed hives but also wild throughout much of its native and introduced range. Despite …

Honey bees in the tropics show winter bee-like longevity in response to seasonal dearth and brood reduction

S Feliciano-Cardona, MA Döke, J Aleman… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2020 - frontiersin.org
Upon their first introduction to Americas in 1956, African honey bees (Apis mellifera
scutellata) hybridized with the previously introduced and already established European …