Microalgae: A green eco-friendly agents for bioremediation of tannery wastewater with simultaneous production of value-added products
Tannery wastewater (TWW) has high BOD, COD, TS and variety of pollutants like chromium,
formaldehydes, biocides, oils, chlorophenols, detergents and phthalates etc. Besides these …
formaldehydes, biocides, oils, chlorophenols, detergents and phthalates etc. Besides these …
[HTML][HTML] How microalgal biotechnology can assist with the UN Sustainable Development Goals for natural resource management
A key interlinking factor of many global issues is the accumulated negative effects of
pollution and poor resource/land management of our remaining natural resources …
pollution and poor resource/land management of our remaining natural resources …
Microalgae cultivation in stabilized landfill leachate for simultaneous treatment and biomass production
Background The high toxicity of landfill leachate has motivated to an investigation of
economical and ecological treatment prior releasing into environment. Recently, microalgae …
economical and ecological treatment prior releasing into environment. Recently, microalgae …
Microalgae: cultivation aspects and bioactive compounds
Microalgae are aquatic unicellular microorganisms that can be found both in freshwater and
marine systems; are capable of photosynthesis; and can grow as individual cells or …
marine systems; are capable of photosynthesis; and can grow as individual cells or …
Microalgae harvesting by fungal-assisted bioflocculation
Although the production of biofuels from microalgae has numerous advantages over other
raw materials, its large-scale application still comes across economic aspects. In this …
raw materials, its large-scale application still comes across economic aspects. In this …
Water toxicity in reservoirs after freshwater algae harvest
Blooms of microalgae and cyanobacteria increase every year, presenting great problems for
the environment. Finding a way of harvesting these microalgae could be useful for water …
the environment. Finding a way of harvesting these microalgae could be useful for water …
[HTML][HTML] Synergistic co-digestion of microalgae and primary sludge to enhance methane yield from temperature-phased anaerobic digestion
A two-stage temperature-phased mesophilic anaerobic digestion assay was carried out to
study the interaction between various biological pretreatment conditions and the possible …
study the interaction between various biological pretreatment conditions and the possible …
Assessing the responses of Sphagnum micro-eukaryotes to climate changes using high throughput sequencing
Current projections suggest that climate warming will be accompanied by more frequent and
severe drought events. Peatlands store ca. one third of the world's soil organic carbon …
severe drought events. Peatlands store ca. one third of the world's soil organic carbon …
[ספר][B] Microalgal biotechnology: Bioprospecting microalgae for functional metabolites towards commercial and sustainable applications
J Sangeetha, S Codreanu, D Thangadurai - 2023 - books.google.com
Microalgae are a valuable resource of carbon materials that may be used in biofuels,
pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and health supplements. There are, however, many challenges …
pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and health supplements. There are, however, many challenges …
Recent trends in microalgal harvesting: an overview
In this modern era due to multidimensional problems associated with petrochemical fuels,
the scientific community is showing a burgeoning interest in microalgae due to their potential …
the scientific community is showing a burgeoning interest in microalgae due to their potential …