Evolution of cytosolic and organellar invertases empowered the colonization and thriving of land plants

H Wan, Y Zhang, L Wu, G Zhou, L Pan… - Plant …, 2023 - academic.oup.com
The molecular innovation underpinning efficient carbon and energy metabolism during
evolution of land plants remains largely unknown. Invertase-mediated sucrose cleavage into …

Hexose transporter SWEET5 confers galactose sensitivity to Arabidopsis pollen germination via a galactokinase

J Wang, YC Yu, Y Li, LQ Chen - Plant physiology, 2022 - academic.oup.com
Galactose is an abundant and essential sugar used for the biosynthesis of many
macromolecules in different organisms, including plants. Galactose metabolism is tightly and …

Cytosolic invertase SlCIN8 promotes sugar and ABA accumulation to improve cold tolerance in tomato

Y Zhang, Q Zhang, X Wang, T Zhao, X Liu, J Jiang - Scientia Horticulturae, 2024 - Elsevier
Cytosolic invertase (CIN) catalyzes the hydrolysis of sucrose into fructose and glucose;
thereby, playing crucial roles in carbohydrate metabolism and plant growth and …

[HTML][HTML] A neutral invertase controls cell division besides hydrolysis of sucrose for nutrition during germination and seed setting in rice

Z Wang, H Li, Y Weng - Iscience, 2024 - cell.com
Sucrose is the transport form of carbohydrate in plants serving as signal molecule besides
nutrition, but the signaling is elusive. Here, neutral invertase 8 (OsNIN8) mutated at G461R …

Comparative Metabolic Analysis Reveals a Metabolic Switch in Mature, Hydrated, and Germinated Pollen in Arabidopsis thaliana

J Wang, S Kambhampati, DK Allen… - Frontiers in Plant …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Pollen germination is an essential process for pollen tube growth, pollination, and therefore
seed production in flowering plants, and it requires energy either from remobilization of …

Role of alkaline/neutral invertases in postharvest storage of potato

SS Datir, S Regan - Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2022 - Elsevier
Potatoes stored at cold temperatures undergo undesirable sweetening due to the cleavage
of sucrose into reducing sugars by invertases. Although significant research has focused on …

Functional Characterization of Invertase Inhibitors PtC/VIF1 and 2 Revealed Their Involvements in the Defense Response to Fungal Pathogen in Populus trichocarpa

T Su, M Han, J Min, H Zhou, Q Zhang, J Zhao… - Frontiers in Plant …, 2020 - frontiersin.org
In higher plants, cell wall invertase (CWI) and vacuolar invertase (VI) were considered to be
essential coordinators in carbohydrate partitioning, sink strength determination, and stress …

[HTML][HTML] Genome-wide identification and expression patterns of cucumber invertases and their inhibitor genes

C Qi, L Xv, W **a, Y Zhu, Y Wang, Z Zhang… - International Journal of …, 2023 - mdpi.com
Invertases and their inhibitors play important roles in sucrose metabolism, growth and
development, signal transduction, and biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in many plant …

Systematic Analysis of Alkaline/Neutral Invertase Genes Reveals the Involvement of Smi-miR399 in Regulation of SmNINV3 and SmNINV4 in Salvia miltiorrhiza

H Zhou, C Li, X Qiu, S Lu - Plants, 2019 - mdpi.com
Alkaline/neutral invertases (NINVs), which irreversibly catalyze the hydrolysis of sucrose into
fructose and glucose, play crucial roles in carbohydrate metabolism and plant development …

Complete defoliation is essential for tree peony reflowering in autumn to trigger sucrose metabolism and adjust source-sink balance in buds and leaves

Y Wang, X Wang, Y Xue, S Wang, X Ren, J Xue… - Scientia …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract Tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.) has a short and concentrated natural
fluorescence, and forcing culture is frequently used for its annual production. We previously …