Evolution of cytosolic and organellar invertases empowered the colonization and thriving of land plants
The molecular innovation underpinning efficient carbon and energy metabolism during
evolution of land plants remains largely unknown. Invertase-mediated sucrose cleavage into …
evolution of land plants remains largely unknown. Invertase-mediated sucrose cleavage into …
Hexose transporter SWEET5 confers galactose sensitivity to Arabidopsis pollen germination via a galactokinase
Galactose is an abundant and essential sugar used for the biosynthesis of many
macromolecules in different organisms, including plants. Galactose metabolism is tightly and …
macromolecules in different organisms, including plants. Galactose metabolism is tightly and …
Cytosolic invertase SlCIN8 promotes sugar and ABA accumulation to improve cold tolerance in tomato
Y Zhang, Q Zhang, X Wang, T Zhao, X Liu, J Jiang - Scientia Horticulturae, 2024 - Elsevier
Cytosolic invertase (CIN) catalyzes the hydrolysis of sucrose into fructose and glucose;
thereby, playing crucial roles in carbohydrate metabolism and plant growth and …
thereby, playing crucial roles in carbohydrate metabolism and plant growth and …
[HTML][HTML] A neutral invertase controls cell division besides hydrolysis of sucrose for nutrition during germination and seed setting in rice
Z Wang, H Li, Y Weng - Iscience, 2024 - cell.com
Sucrose is the transport form of carbohydrate in plants serving as signal molecule besides
nutrition, but the signaling is elusive. Here, neutral invertase 8 (OsNIN8) mutated at G461R …
nutrition, but the signaling is elusive. Here, neutral invertase 8 (OsNIN8) mutated at G461R …
Comparative Metabolic Analysis Reveals a Metabolic Switch in Mature, Hydrated, and Germinated Pollen in Arabidopsis thaliana
Pollen germination is an essential process for pollen tube growth, pollination, and therefore
seed production in flowering plants, and it requires energy either from remobilization of …
seed production in flowering plants, and it requires energy either from remobilization of …
Role of alkaline/neutral invertases in postharvest storage of potato
SS Datir, S Regan - Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2022 - Elsevier
Potatoes stored at cold temperatures undergo undesirable sweetening due to the cleavage
of sucrose into reducing sugars by invertases. Although significant research has focused on …
of sucrose into reducing sugars by invertases. Although significant research has focused on …
Functional Characterization of Invertase Inhibitors PtC/VIF1 and 2 Revealed Their Involvements in the Defense Response to Fungal Pathogen in Populus trichocarpa
In higher plants, cell wall invertase (CWI) and vacuolar invertase (VI) were considered to be
essential coordinators in carbohydrate partitioning, sink strength determination, and stress …
essential coordinators in carbohydrate partitioning, sink strength determination, and stress …
[HTML][HTML] Genome-wide identification and expression patterns of cucumber invertases and their inhibitor genes
C Qi, L Xv, W **a, Y Zhu, Y Wang, Z Zhang… - International Journal of …, 2023 - mdpi.com
Invertases and their inhibitors play important roles in sucrose metabolism, growth and
development, signal transduction, and biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in many plant …
development, signal transduction, and biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in many plant …
Systematic Analysis of Alkaline/Neutral Invertase Genes Reveals the Involvement of Smi-miR399 in Regulation of SmNINV3 and SmNINV4 in Salvia miltiorrhiza
H Zhou, C Li, X Qiu, S Lu - Plants, 2019 - mdpi.com
Alkaline/neutral invertases (NINVs), which irreversibly catalyze the hydrolysis of sucrose into
fructose and glucose, play crucial roles in carbohydrate metabolism and plant development …
fructose and glucose, play crucial roles in carbohydrate metabolism and plant development …
Complete defoliation is essential for tree peony reflowering in autumn to trigger sucrose metabolism and adjust source-sink balance in buds and leaves
Y Wang, X Wang, Y Xue, S Wang, X Ren, J Xue… - Scientia …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract Tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.) has a short and concentrated natural
fluorescence, and forcing culture is frequently used for its annual production. We previously …
fluorescence, and forcing culture is frequently used for its annual production. We previously …