Inverse scattering series and seismic exploration
AB Weglein, FV Araújo, PM Carvalho, RH Stolt… - Inverse …, 2003 - iopscience.iop.org
Inverse scattering series and seismic exploration Page 1 Inverse Problems TOPICAL REVIEW
Inverse scattering series and seismic exploration To cite this article: Arthur B Weglein et al …
Inverse scattering series and seismic exploration To cite this article: Arthur B Weglein et al …
Elimination of free-surface related multiples without need of the source wavelet
L Amundsen - Geophysics, 2001 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
This paper presents a new, wave-equation based method for eliminating the effect of the
free surface from marine seismic data without destroying primary amplitudes and without …
free surface from marine seismic data without destroying primary amplitudes and without …
[PDF][PDF] 多次波问题的研究进展
**鹏, 刘伊克, 常旭, 金德刚, 赵珊珊 - 地球物理学进展, 2006 - dsjyj.com.cn
摘要综述了当前多次波问题的研究进展, 指出了对多次波问题, 有两种主要的处理思路:(1)
因为后续偏移成像的需要, 把多次波看成相干噪声, 根据多次波特性设计衰减方法将其消除掉 …
因为后续偏移成像的需要, 把多次波看成相干噪声, 根据多次波特性设计衰减方法将其消除掉 …
Removal of internal multiples with the common-focus-point (CFP) approach: Part 1—Explanation of the theory
AJ Berkhout, DJ Verschuur - Geophysics, 2005 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Removal of surface and internal multiples can be formulated by removing the influence of
downward-scattering boundaries and downward-scattering layers. The involved algorithms …
downward-scattering boundaries and downward-scattering layers. The involved algorithms …
A field data example of Marchenko multiple elimination
Internal multiple reflections have been widely considered as coherent noise in measured
seismic data, and many approaches have been developed for their attenuation. The …
seismic data, and many approaches have been developed for their attenuation. The …
陈多福, 王茂春, 夏斌 - 地球物理学报, 2005 - dzkx.org
冻土带是天然气水合物发育的两个重要地质环境之一. 青藏高原**均海拔在4000m 以上,
多年冻土面积约1.4× 106km2. 本文根据青藏高原冻土层厚度和地温梯度特征 …
多年冻土面积约1.4× 106km2. 本文根据青藏高原冻土层厚度和地温梯度特征 …
From removing to using multiples in closed-loop imaging
DJ Verschuur, AJ Berkhout - The Leading Edge, 2015 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
In seismic exploration, multiple reflections traditionally have been labeled as unwanted
signal, and a huge effort has been made to remove them. Despite great advancements …
signal, and a huge effort has been made to remove them. Despite great advancements …
An unsupervised learning method to suppress seismic internal multiples based on adaptive virtual events and joint constraints of multiple deep neural networks
K Wang, T Hu, B Zhao, S Wang - IEEE Transactions on …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In seismic data processing, the suppression of internal multiple is a challenging direction. To
suppress internal multiples, we propose an unsupervised deep neural network (DNN) …
suppress internal multiples, we propose an unsupervised deep neural network (DNN) …
Elastic internal multiple analysis and attenuation using Marchenko and interferometric methods
Conventional seismic processing aims to create data that contain only primary reflections,
whereas real seismic recordings also contain multiples. As such, it is desirable to predict …
whereas real seismic recordings also contain multiples. As such, it is desirable to predict …
Inverse-scattering theory guided U-Net neural networks for internal multiple elimination
Deep neural networks (DNNs) can automatically fetch specific features from seismic data,
which can be used in the process of multiple elimination. An extended single-sided …
which can be used in the process of multiple elimination. An extended single-sided …