Subducting slabs, Hainan plume and intraplate volcanism in SE Asia: Insight from P-wave mantle tomography
We present a high-resolution 3-D model of P wave tomography of the crust and mantle down
to 1600 km depth under Southeast Asia (SE Asia), which is determined by inverting more …
to 1600 km depth under Southeast Asia (SE Asia), which is determined by inverting more …
[HTML][HTML] Continental rifting in the South China Sea through extension and high heat flow: An extended history
A Burton-Johnson, AB Cullen - Gondwana Research, 2023 - Elsevier
We present a new extensional tectonic model for the Cenozoic history of SE Asia and the
opening of the South China Sea (SCS), proposing a feedback mechanism by which …
opening of the South China Sea (SCS), proposing a feedback mechanism by which …
A new shear‐velocity model of continental Australia based on multi‐scale surface‐wave tomography
Abstract The Australian Seismological Reference Model (AuSREM) represents a state‐of‐
the‐art geophysical synthesis of the Australian continent. To date, its shear‐wave …
the‐art geophysical synthesis of the Australian continent. To date, its shear‐wave …
Upper mantle flow and crustal deformation patterns beneath the Dangerous Grounds and Borneo where multiple plates converge in South China Sea revealed by 3-D …
SUMMARY A large-scale magnetotelluric (MT) study was carried out in offshore Borneo to
understand the lithospheric structure in this geologically complex region where three …
understand the lithospheric structure in this geologically complex region where three …
Crustal structure of Borneo, Makassar Strait and Sulawesi from ambient noise tomography
Borneo and Sulawesi are two large islands separated by the Makassar Strait that lie within
the complex tectonic setting of central Indonesia. The seismic structure beneath this region …
the complex tectonic setting of central Indonesia. The seismic structure beneath this region …
Collision‐induced subduction polarity reversal explains the crustal structure of northern Borneo: New results from virtual deep seismic sounding (vdss)
Subduction polarity reversal (SPR) is a key subduction initiation mechanism often
associated with arc‐continent collision zones. Northern Borneo has long been recognized …
associated with arc‐continent collision zones. Northern Borneo has long been recognized …
[HTML][HTML] Opening and Closure of the Sulu Sea: Revealed by Its Peripheral Subduction and Collision Processes
Y Yang, X **e, Y He, H Chen - Journal of Marine Science and …, 2024 - mdpi.com
The Sulu Sea is a small marginal sea in the western Pacific, but it is a very complex and
tectonically active region, situated amidst the convergence of the Eurasian, Pacific, and India …
tectonically active region, situated amidst the convergence of the Eurasian, Pacific, and India …
Regional crustal structure of Indonesia from receiver functions
Characterizing the crustal structure of Indonesia is important to gain a better understanding
of its geodynamic evolution and improve seismic hazard assessments in the area. However …
of its geodynamic evolution and improve seismic hazard assessments in the area. However …
Seismic signature of subduction termination from teleseismic P-and S-wave arrival-time tomography: the case of northern Borneo
Studies attempting to gain new insights into the last stage of the subduction cycle are
typically challenged by limited direct observations owing to a lack of recent post-subduction …
typically challenged by limited direct observations owing to a lack of recent post-subduction …
Crustal velocity structure in Borneo Island using receiver function inversion
Borneo is an island situated in a tectonically complex region and characterised by multiple
arcs and continental blocks accreted during the Mesozoic and early Cenozoic. We analyse …
arcs and continental blocks accreted during the Mesozoic and early Cenozoic. We analyse …