[HTML][HTML] Experimental, numerical and analytical prediction of ballistic resistance of indigenously developed zirconia toughened alumina, Kevlar® and CFRP composite

MD Umbharatwala, MD Goel - Composites Part B: Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
This study evaluates the ballistic resistance of zirconia toughened alumina
(ZTA)/Kevlar®/CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) composites against two sequential …

Ballistic performance and energy dissipation characteristics of cylindrical honeycomb sandwich structure

G Tiwari, N Khaire - International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2022 - Elsevier
The energy absorption (EA) and ballistic behaviour of the cylindrical sandwich shells, which
comprised of honeycomb core (AL-3003 H18) and cylindrical face sheets (AL-1100 H12) …

Perforation and energy dissipation behaviour of honeycomb core cylindrical sandwich shell subjected to conical shape projectile at high velocity impact

N Khaire, G Tiwari, S Rathod, MA Iqbal, A Topa - Thin-Walled Structures, 2022 - Elsevier
The current research combined experimental and numerical study of the perforation and
energy dissipation behaviour of the cylindrical sandwich shell with honeycomb core …

Ballistic impact response of high strength aluminium alloy 2014-T652 subjected to rigid and deformable projectiles

P Sharma, P Chandel, V Bhardwaj, M Singh… - Thin-Walled …, 2018 - Elsevier
Experimental and numerical studies were conducted to determine the impact response of 15
mm thick AA2014-T652 forged plates in the velocity region from 800 m/s to 1300 m/s …

Effect of incorporating Lode angle into fracture criterion on predicting ballistic resistance of 6061-T651 aluminum alloy plates with different thicknesses struck by blunt …

Y Deng, X Yang, H Wu, Z Feng - Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2023 - Elsevier
According to existing research, in addition to the second deviatoric stress invariant, Lode
angle parameter (hereinafter abbreviated as Lode angle), which is related to the third …

Ballistic response of hemispherical sandwich shell structure against ogive nosed projectile

N Khaire, G Tiwari - Thin-Walled Structures, 2020 - Elsevier
This study presents the experimental and numerical investigation of the response of
hemispherical sandwich shell structure having hexagonal honeycomb core against ogive …

High-velocity impact performance of sandwich panels with additively manufactured hierarchical honeycomb cores: An experimental and numerical study

A Ul Haq, SKR Narala - Journal of Sandwich Structures & …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
The honeycomb sandwich panel presents a highly promising solution for enhancing ballistic
behavior owing to its excellent strength-to-weight ratio and impact resistance. This study …

Ballistic resistance of 2024 aluminium plates against hemispherical, sphere and blunt nose projectiles

K Senthil, MA Iqbal, B Arindam, R Mittal, NK Gupta - Thin-Walled Structures, 2018 - Elsevier
Numerical investigation has been carried out on 2024 aluminium plate targets against 12.7
mm diameter hardened steel projectiles. The ballistic resistance of 1.27 mm thick target was …

Energy absorption characteristic of sandwich shell structure against conical and hemispherical nose projectile

N Khaire, G Tiwari, MA Iqbal - Composite Structures, 2021 - Elsevier
Present study addresses the ballistic performance and energy absorption behaviour of the
hemispherical sandwich shell structure having hexagonal honeycomb core against conical …

Investigation on dynamic response of thin spherical shells impacted by flat-nose projectile based on a novel damage model

T Ma, Y Shen, J Ning, J Li - International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
Thin-shell structures are widely used in various engineering applications. It is essential to
investigate the impact resistance of thin-shell structures, to provide theoretical support for …