Stretching directions in cislunar space: Applications for departures and transfer design

V Muralidharan, KC Howell - Astrodynamics, 2023 - Springer
Stable or nearly stable orbits do not generally possess well-distinguished manifold
structures that assist in designing trajectories for departing from or arriving onto a periodic …

[PDF][PDF] Cislunar space situational awareness

C Frueh, K Howell, KJ DeMars… - 31st AIAA/AAS Space …, 2021 -
Classically, space situational awareness (SSA) and space traffic management (STM) focus
on the near-Earth region, which is highly populated by satellites and space debris objects …

EQUULEUS trajectory design

K Oguri, K Oshima, S Campagnola, K Kakihara… - The Journal of the …, 2020 - Springer
This paper presents the trajectory design for EQUilibriUm Lunar-Earth point 6U Spacecraft
(EQUULEUS), which aims to demonstrate orbit control capability of CubeSats in the cislunar …

Trajectory design and targeting for applications to the exploration program in cislunar space

EMZ Spreen - 2021 -
A dynamical understanding of orbits in the Earth-Moon neighborhood that can sustain long-
term activities and trajectories that link locations of interest forms a critical foundation for the …

Orbit design for LUMIO: The lunar meteoroid impacts observer

AM Cipriano, DA Dei Tos, F Topputo - Frontiers in Astronomy and …, 2018 -
The Lunar Meteoroid Impacts Observer, or LUMIO, is a space mission concept awarded
winner of ESA's SysNova Competition “Lunar CubeSats for Exploration,” and as such it is …

A transfer network linking Earth, Moon, and the triangular libration point regions in the Earth-Moon system

LR Capdevila, KC Howell - Advances in Space Research, 2018 - Elsevier
In the near future, several space applications in the Earth-Moon system may require a
spacecraft to hold a stable motion, but the transfer trajectory infrastructure to access such …

Rapid trajectory design in complex environments enabled by reinforcement learning and graph search strategies

A Das-Stuart, KC Howell, DC Folta - Acta Astronautica, 2020 - Elsevier
Designing trajectories in dynamically complex environments is challenging and easily
becomes intractable. Recasting the problem may reduce the design time and offer global …

Local orbital elements for the circular restricted three-body problem

LT Peterson, DJ Scheeres - Journal of Guidance, Control, and …, 2023 -
The Keplerian orbital elements make up a set of parameters that uniquely describe a two-
body trajectory. Once perturbations are imposed on two-body dynamics, one often studies …

Off-nominal transfer analysis for NASA's solar cruiser mission

JD Sikes, JB Pezent, A Rubinsztejn, R Sood, J Everett… - Acta Astronautica, 2024 - Elsevier
In this work, off-nominal trajectory design options for NASA's sail-based Solar Cruiser
mission are examined. A novel method for constructing bounded trajectories about a …

Acceleration-Based Switching Surfaces for Impulsive Trajectory Design Between Cislunar Libration Point Orbits

K Saloglu, E Taheri - The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 2024 - Springer
A method is proposed to generate an initial guess for impulsive trajectory design in the
circular restricted three-body problem. The method uses acceleration-based switching …