An abstraction-refinement framework for verifying strategic properties in multi-agent systems with imperfect information
We investigate the verification of Multi-Agent Systems against strategic properties expressed
in Alternating-time Temporal Logic under the assumptions of imperfect information and …
in Alternating-time Temporal Logic under the assumptions of imperfect information and …
Partial-observation stochastic games: How to win when belief fails
In two-player finite-state stochastic games of partial observation on graphs, in every state of
the graph, the players simultaneously choose an action, and their joint actions determine a …
the graph, the players simultaneously choose an action, and their joint actions determine a …
An abstraction-based method for verifying strategic properties in multi-agent systems with imperfect information
We investigate the verification of Multi-agent Systems against strategic properties expressed
in Alternating-time Temporal Logic under the assumptions of imperfect information and …
in Alternating-time Temporal Logic under the assumptions of imperfect information and …
Synthesis of surveillance strategies via belief abstraction
We provide a novel framework for the synthesis of a controller for a robot with a surveillance
objective, that is, the robot is required to maintain knowledge of the location of a moving …
objective, that is, the robot is required to maintain knowledge of the location of a moving …
Predicate abstraction for reactive synthesis
We present a predicate-based abstraction refinement algorithm for solving reactive games.
We develop solutions to the key problems involved in implementing efficient predicate …
We develop solutions to the key problems involved in implementing efficient predicate …
Lazy synthesis
We present an automatic method for the synthesis of processes in a reactive system from
specifications in linear-time temporal logic (LTL). The synthesis algorithm executes a loop …
specifications in linear-time temporal logic (LTL). The synthesis algorithm executes a loop …
Develo** a practical reactive synthesis tool: Experience and lessons learned
Synthesis with identifiers
We consider the synthesis of reactive systems from specifications with identifiers. Identifiers
are useful to parametrize the input and output of a reactive system, for example, to state …
are useful to parametrize the input and output of a reactive system, for example, to state …
BOCoSy: Small but Powerful Symbolic Output-Feedback Control
We present BOCoSy, a tool for Bounded symbolic Output-feedback Controller Synthesis.
Given a specification, BOCoSy synthesizes symbolic output-feedback controllers which …
Given a specification, BOCoSy synthesizes symbolic output-feedback controllers which …
Synthesis of strategies for autonomous surveillance on adversarial targets
We study the problem of synthesizing a controller for an agent with imperfect sensing and a
quantitative surveillance objective, that is, an agent is required to maintain knowledge of the …
quantitative surveillance objective, that is, an agent is required to maintain knowledge of the …