Feminist ecologies
In times of devastating ecological crisis, where can we find a route map to collectively halt
current trends of destruction? In this review, we examine feminist studies' recent …
current trends of destruction? In this review, we examine feminist studies' recent …
Humans and nature: How knowing and experiencing nature affect well-being
Ecosystems provide many of the material building blocks for human well-being. Although
quantification and appreciation of such contributions have rapidly grown, our dependence …
quantification and appreciation of such contributions have rapidly grown, our dependence …
[КНИГА][B] When animals speak: Toward an interspecies democracy
E Meijer - 2019 - books.google.com
Winner, 2020 ASCA Book Award, given by the Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis A
groundbreaking argument for the political rights of animals In When Animals Speak, Eva …
groundbreaking argument for the political rights of animals In When Animals Speak, Eva …
[КНИГА][B] Animals and society: An introduction to human-animal studies
M DeMello - 2021 - degruyter.com
Bibliography Page 1 Aaltola, E. 2011. “The Philosophy Behind the Movement: Animal Studies
Versus Animal Rights.” Society & Animals 19, no. 4: 393–406. Aaltola, E. 2012. Animal …
Versus Animal Rights.” Society & Animals 19, no. 4: 393–406. Aaltola, E. 2012. Animal …
Make kin, not cities! Multispecies entanglements and 'becoming-world'in planning theory
Much planning theory has been undergirded by an ontological exceptionalism of humans.
Yet, city planning does not sit outside of the eco-social realities co-producing the …
Yet, city planning does not sit outside of the eco-social realities co-producing the …
[КНИГА][B] Post-colonial studies: The key concepts
B Ashcroft, G Griffiths, H Tiffin - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
This hugely popular AZ guide provides a comprehensive overview of the issues which
characterize post-colonialism: explaining what it is, where it is encountered and the crucial …
characterize post-colonialism: explaining what it is, where it is encountered and the crucial …
[КНИГА][B] The empire writes back: Theory and practice in post-colonial literatures
B Ashcroft, G Griffiths, H Tiffin - 2003 - taylorfrancis.com
The experience of colonization and the challenges of a post-colonial world have produced
an explosion of new writing in English. This diverse and powerful body of literature has …
an explosion of new writing in English. This diverse and powerful body of literature has …
[КНИГА][B] The postcolonial studies reader
B Ashcroft, G Griffiths, H Tiffin - 1995 - taylorfrancis.com
The most comprehensive collection of postcolonial writing theory and criticism, this third
edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to include 125 extracts from key works in …
edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to include 125 extracts from key works in …
Geopolitical assemblages and complexity
J Dittmer - Progress in Human Geography, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
This article proposes a framework for considering materiality in the field of geopolitics:
assemblage and complexity theories. Drawing on literatures beyond the field to imagine a …
assemblage and complexity theories. Drawing on literatures beyond the field to imagine a …
Hybrid geographies: Natures cultures spaces
S Whatmore - 2002 - torrossa.com
2.1 Siting the Roman games (2nd century AD) 17 2.2 Mosaic reliefs immortalizing Africanae
bestiae in combat 18 2.3 Pixelled web image of Caiman latirostris 'in the wild' 20 2.4 …
bestiae in combat 18 2.3 Pixelled web image of Caiman latirostris 'in the wild' 20 2.4 …