Effect of blended learning on student performance in K‐12 settings: A meta‐analysis
S Li, W Wang - Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Background Blended learning programs in Kindergarten through Grade 12 (K‐12)
classrooms are growing in popularity; however, previous studies assessing their effects …
classrooms are growing in popularity; however, previous studies assessing their effects …
Flipped classroom in business and entrepreneurship education: A systematic review and future research agenda
Flipped learning environments have found their way into business and entrepreneurship
education. While most studies have found that flipped classrooms can enhance learning …
education. While most studies have found that flipped classrooms can enhance learning …
A multilevel investigation of factors influencing university students' behavioral engagement in flipped classrooms
HM Lai, PJ Hsieh, L Uden, CH Yang - Computers & Education, 2021 - Elsevier
Students' behavioral engagement is critical for flipped classroom success. Research on
flipped and non-flipped classrooms has provided mixed findings regarding students' …
flipped and non-flipped classrooms has provided mixed findings regarding students' …
Pedagogical adoption of SVVR in formal education: Design-based research on the development of teacher-facilitated tactics for supporting immersive and interactive …
MSY Jong - Computers & Education, 2023 - Elsevier
Although spherical video-based virtual reality (SVVR) has gained attention as an effective
tool for technology-enhanced learning, little research has been conducted on its integration …
tool for technology-enhanced learning, little research has been conducted on its integration …
Student engagement in mathematics flipped classrooms: Implications of journal publications from 2011 to 2020
Mathematics is one of the core STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
subject disciplines. Engaging students in learning mathematics helps retain students in …
subject disciplines. Engaging students in learning mathematics helps retain students in …
Effectiveness of flipped classrooms for K–12 students: Evidence from a three-level meta-analysis
Flipped classrooms (FCs) in K–12 schools are growing in popularity. However, previous
studies have reported inconsistent findings on the effects of FCs, and the conditions under …
studies have reported inconsistent findings on the effects of FCs, and the conditions under …
Flipped classroom: Motivational affordances of spherical video-based immersive virtual reality in support of pre-lecture individual learning in pre-service teacher …
MSY Jong - Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 2023 - Springer
Flipped classroom (FC) is a “blended” instructional approach that requires students to
complete pre-lecture individual learning tasks in preparation for participating in related in …
complete pre-lecture individual learning tasks in preparation for participating in related in …
Bloom's Taxonomy Student Persona Responses to Blended Learning Methods Employing the Metaverse and Flipped Classroom Tools
The paper aims to identify and analyze the correlation between student personality types
and the use of metaverse and flipped classroom blended learning methods (BLMs) and …
and the use of metaverse and flipped classroom blended learning methods (BLMs) and …
The association of children's motivation and physical activity levels with flipped learning during physical education lessons
PK Yip, L Cheng, P Cheung - European Physical Education …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Flipped learning is a pedagogical approach that directs instruction from a group to an
individual learning space. This approach can stimulate students' motivation, promote …
individual learning space. This approach can stimulate students' motivation, promote …
Blended learning to enhanced engineering education using flipped classroom approach: An overview
The learning approach is always being the concern of educators to increase the quality of
engineering education. Engineering education is essential in order to nurture quality …
engineering education. Engineering education is essential in order to nurture quality …