Approaches to co-evolution of metamodels and models: A survey
Modeling languages, just as all software artifacts, evolve. This poses the risk that legacy
models of a company get lost, when they become incompatible with the new language …
models of a company get lost, when they become incompatible with the new language …
[HTML][HTML] Supporting meta-model-based language evolution and rapid prototy** with automated grammar transformation
In model-driven engineering, develo** a textual domain-specific language (DSL) involves
constructing a meta-model, which defines an underlying abstract syntax, and a grammar …
constructing a meta-model, which defines an underlying abstract syntax, and a grammar …
Edutainment technology-a new starting point for educational development of China
Y Wang, MZ Zuo, XY Li - 2007 37th Annual Frontiers In …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper discusses the history, current situation and future development trend of
Edutainment in China. The first part of this paper outlined history and current situation of …
Edutainment in China. The first part of this paper outlined history and current situation of …
Detecting and exploring side effects when repairing model inconsistencies
When software models change, developers often fail in kee** them consistent. Automated
support in repairing inconsistencies is widely addressed. Yet, merely enumerating repairs …
support in repairing inconsistencies is widely addressed. Yet, merely enumerating repairs …
[HTML][HTML] CoDEvo: Column family database evolution using model transformations
In recent years, software applications have been working with NoSQL databases as they
have emerged to handle big data more efficiently than traditional databases. The data …
have emerged to handle big data more efficiently than traditional databases. The data …
Semi-automated metamodel/model co-evolution: a multi-level interactive approach
Metamodels evolve even more frequently than programming languages. This evolution
process may result in a large number of instance models that are no longer conforming to …
process may result in a large number of instance models that are no longer conforming to …
Conservative QCA gate (CQCA) for designing concurrently testable molecular QCA circuits
Nanocircuits based on molecular QCA are prone to high error rates. In this paper, we
present a novel conservative logic gate termed'CQCA'(conservative QCA) to design …
present a novel conservative logic gate termed'CQCA'(conservative QCA) to design …
A semi-automatic maintenance and co-evolution of OCL constraints with (meta) model evolution
Metamodels are core components of modeling languages to define structural aspects of a
business domain. As a complement, OCL constraints are used to specify detailed aspects of …
business domain. As a complement, OCL constraints are used to specify detailed aspects of …
A modeling assistant to manage technical debt in coupled evolution
Abstract Context: Model-Driven Engineering helps formalize problem domains by using
metamodels. Modeling ecosystems consisting of purposely designed editors …
metamodels. Modeling ecosystems consisting of purposely designed editors …
Consistent co-evolution of models and transformations
A Kusel, J Etzlstorfer, E Kapsammer… - 2015 ACM/IEEE 18th …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Evolving metamodels are in the center of Model-Driven Engineering, necessitating the co-
evolution of dependent artifacts like models and transformations. While model co-evolution …
evolution of dependent artifacts like models and transformations. While model co-evolution …