Biological soil crust rehabilitation in theory and practice: an underexploited opportunity
MA Bowker - Restoration Ecology, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Biological soil crusts (BSCs) are ubiquitous lichen–bryophyte microbial communities, which
are critical structural and functional components of many ecosystems. However, BSCs are …
are critical structural and functional components of many ecosystems. However, BSCs are …
Plant life on gypsum: a review of its multiple facets
The adaptation of plants to particular soil types has long intrigued biologists. Gypsum soils
occupy large areas in many regions of the world and host a striking biological diversity, but …
occupy large areas in many regions of the world and host a striking biological diversity, but …
Towards a predictive framework for biocrust mediation of plant performance: a meta‐analysis
Understanding the importance of biotic interactions in driving the distribution and
abundance of species is a central goal of plant ecology. Early vascular plants likely …
abundance of species is a central goal of plant ecology. Early vascular plants likely …
Disturbance and recovery of biological soil crusts
J Belnap, D Eldridge - Biological soil crusts: structure, function, and …, 2001 - Springer
Disturbance can profoundly affect the cover, species composition, and the physiological
functioning of biological soil crusts. The disturbances we discuss include air pollution; …
functioning of biological soil crusts. The disturbances we discuss include air pollution; …
[CARTE][B] The biology of deserts
D Ward - 2016 - books.google.com
This book offers a concise but comprehensive introduction to desert ecology and adopts a
strong evolutionary focus. As with other titles in the Biology of Habitats Series, the emphasis …
strong evolutionary focus. As with other titles in the Biology of Habitats Series, the emphasis …
Ecology and functional roles of biological soil crusts in semi-arid ecosystems of Spain
Biological soil crusts (BSCs), composed of lichens, cyanobacteria, mosses, liverworts and
microorganisms, are key biotic components of arid and semi-arid ecosystems worldwide …
microorganisms, are key biotic components of arid and semi-arid ecosystems worldwide …
Cyanobacteria inoculation enhances carbon sequestration in soil substrates used in dryland restoration
Despite significant efforts to restore dryland ecosystems worldwide, the rate of success of
restoration is extremely low in these areas. The role of cyanobacteria from soil biocrusts in …
restoration is extremely low in these areas. The role of cyanobacteria from soil biocrusts in …
Influence of biological soil crusts on soil environments and vascular plants
J Belnap, R Prasse, KT Harper - Biological soil crusts: structure, function …, 2003 - Springer
The presence of biological soil crusts can significantly change the physical and chemical
soil environment. Such alterations can affect the germination, survival, and nutritional status …
soil environment. Such alterations can affect the germination, survival, and nutritional status …
More than just a coating: ecological importance, taxonomic occurrence and phylogenetic relationships of seed coat mucilage
X Yang, JM Baskin, CC Baskin, Z Huang - Perspectives in Plant Ecology …, 2012 - Elsevier
Studies on the ecological importance of seed coat mucilage have provided valuable
information about its roles in critical stages of the plant life cycle. Seed mucilage may, by …
information about its roles in critical stages of the plant life cycle. Seed mucilage may, by …
Temporal and spatial patterns of soil moisture in semiarid badlands of SE Spain
Temporal and spatial patterns of soil water content (θ) have been studied in badlands in
Tabernas (Almerı́a, SE Spain). θ was measured on a detailed time scale for 18 months …
Tabernas (Almerı́a, SE Spain). θ was measured on a detailed time scale for 18 months …