Evolving an idionomic approach to processes of change: Towards a unified personalized science of human improvement
The wide variety of “third wave” cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) methods (eg,
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or “ACT”, Compassion Focused Therapy, Meta …
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or “ACT”, Compassion Focused Therapy, Meta …
Personalized models of psychopathology
The personalized approach to psychopathology conceptualizes mental disorder as a
complex system of contextualized dynamic processes that is nontrivially specific to each …
complex system of contextualized dynamic processes that is nontrivially specific to each …
“Third‐wave” cognitive and behavioral therapies and the emergence of a process‐based approach to intervention in psychiatry
For decades, cognitive and behavioral therapies (CBTs) have been tested in randomized
controlled trials for specific psychiatric syndromes that were assumed to represent …
controlled trials for specific psychiatric syndromes that were assumed to represent …
Implementing precision methods in personalizing psychological therapies: Barriers and possible ways forward
Personalization of psychological therapies has always been used by clinicians and
describes all efforts to select, adjust, or modify a treatment for the individual to improve …
describes all efforts to select, adjust, or modify a treatment for the individual to improve …
Understanding psychological flexibility: A multimethod exploration of pursuing valued goals despite the presence of distress.
Psychological flexibility (PF), defined as the ability to pursue valued life aims despite the
presence of distress, is a fundamental contributor to health (Kashdan & Rottenberg, 2010) …
presence of distress, is a fundamental contributor to health (Kashdan & Rottenberg, 2010) …
A process-based approach to psychological diagnosis and treatment: The conceptual and treatment utility of an extended evolutionary meta model
For half a century, the dominant paradigm in psychotherapy research has been to develop
syndrome-specific treatment protocols for hypothesized but unproved latent disease entities …
syndrome-specific treatment protocols for hypothesized but unproved latent disease entities …
Experiential avoidance in depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive related, and posttraumatic stress disorders: A comprehensive systematic review and meta …
Although numerous studies on experiential avoidance and its relationship to
psychopathology have been conducted, systematic summaries of this research are lacking …
psychopathology have been conducted, systematic summaries of this research are lacking …
[HTML][HTML] Individual differences in computational psychiatry: A review of current challenges
Bringing precision to the understanding and treatment of mental disorders requires
instruments for studying clinically relevant individual differences. One promising approach is …
instruments for studying clinically relevant individual differences. One promising approach is …
Beyond linear mediation: Toward a dynamic network approach to study treatment processes
Few clinical scientists would disagree that more research is needed on the underlying
mechanisms and processes of change in psychological therapies. In the dominant current …
mechanisms and processes of change in psychological therapies. In the dominant current …
New generation psychological treatments in chronic pain
Chronic pain conditions are common and have a considerable impact on health and
wellbeing. This impact can be reduced by cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), the most …
wellbeing. This impact can be reduced by cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), the most …