[PDF][PDF] Diversity and inclusion experience of trans workers: The missing link of trans-friendly environment in organizations
The transgender community, one of the most marginalized communities, faces a range of
discriminatory issues in workplaces and educational institutions. The study seeks to …
discriminatory issues in workplaces and educational institutions. The study seeks to …
[HTML][HTML] Des femmes trans sans domicile fixe à Téhéran engagées dans le travail du sexe: des trajectoires d'outsiders
M Sadeghipouya - Genre, sexualité & société, 2023 - journals.openedition.org
Cet article s' intéresse aux trajectoires de femmes trans sans domicile fixe et précaires à
Téhéran, qui ont recours au travail du sexe. Cette recherche s' appuie principalement sur …
Téhéran, qui ont recours au travail du sexe. Cette recherche s' appuie principalement sur …
Gender differences among commercially sexually exploited youth in Israel
Research on commercial sexual exploitation (COMSE) of youth tends to focus on young
females as victims, and much less is known about male and transgender commercially …
females as victims, and much less is known about male and transgender commercially …
[PDF][PDF] A Social study on the Human Rights of the Trans-community of a Develo** Country, Pakistan
Preventing human rights violations and social exclusion of all humans, including
transgender-is key to sustainable and equitable development. As one of the most …
transgender-is key to sustainable and equitable development. As one of the most …
Itineraris cap a la delinqüència, de compliment i de reinserció de la població empresonada femenina a Catalunya.
A Meléndez Peretó… - Repositori del …, 2024 - repositori.justicia.gencat.cat
Aquest treball pretén identificar les trajectòries i tipologies delictives de la població
penitenciaria femenina a Catalunya, els factors psicosocials que intervenen en l'inici i …
penitenciaria femenina a Catalunya, els factors psicosocials que intervenen en l'inici i …
Entre existir e resistir: experiências de consumo de travestis e mulheres trans
VSL Marangoni - 2021 - teses.usp.br
Esta tese tem como objetivo compreender as dimensões envolvidas na experiência de
consumo de travestis e mulheres trans. É uma pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória cujos …
consumo de travestis e mulheres trans. É uma pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória cujos …