ULF wave modeling, effects, and applications: Accomplishments, recent advances, and future
Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) waves play important roles in magnetosphere-ionosphere
coupling, ring current and radiation belt dynamics, and modulation of higher frequency wave …
coupling, ring current and radiation belt dynamics, and modulation of higher frequency wave …
On the impacts of ions of ionospheric origin and their composition on magnetospheric EMIC waves
Large numbers of theory and observation studies have been conducted on electromagnetic
ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves occurring in Earth's magnetosphere. Numerous studies have …
ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves occurring in Earth's magnetosphere. Numerous studies have …
Depletions of multi‐MeV electrons and their association to minima in phase space density
Fast‐localized electron loss, resulting from interactions with electromagnetic ion cyclotron
(EMIC) waves, can produce deepening minima in phase space density (PSD) radial profiles …
(EMIC) waves, can produce deepening minima in phase space density (PSD) radial profiles …
Localized excitation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves from anisotropic protons filtered by magnetic dips
The excitation of electrostatic and/or electromagnetic waves in the plasma universe is often
associated with anisotropic velocity distributions of charged particles. In Earth's inner …
associated with anisotropic velocity distributions of charged particles. In Earth's inner …
Distribution of seed electron phase space density minima in Earth's radiation belts
We conducted a statistical analysis of local phase space density (PSD) minima across a
wide energy range (∼ 20 keVs to∼ 10 MeV), using observations from the Van Allen Probes …
wide energy range (∼ 20 keVs to∼ 10 MeV), using observations from the Van Allen Probes …
Key factors determining nightside energetic electron losses driven by whistler‐mode waves
Energetic electron losses by pitch‐angle scattering and precipitation to the atmosphere from
the radiation belts are controlled, to a great extent, by resonant wave particle interactions …
the radiation belts are controlled, to a great extent, by resonant wave particle interactions …
Electron precipitation driven by EMIC waves: Two types of energy dispersion
VS Grach, AV Artemyev, AG Demekhov… - Geophysical …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves can very rapidly and effectively scatter
relativistic electrons into the atmosphere. EMIC‐driven precipitation bursts can be detected …
relativistic electrons into the atmosphere. EMIC‐driven precipitation bursts can be detected …
Evening side EMIC waves and related proton precipitation induced by a substorm
AG Yahnin, TA Popova, AG Demekhov… - Journal of …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
We present the results of a multi‐point and multi‐instrument study of electromagnetic ion
cyclotron (EMIC) waves and related energetic proton precipitation during a substorm. We …
cyclotron (EMIC) waves and related energetic proton precipitation during a substorm. We …
H+, He+, He++, O++, N+ EMIC Wave Occurrence and Its Dependence on Geomagnetic Conditions: Results From 7 Years of Van Allen Probes Observations
Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves are believed to play an important role in the
dynamics of the inner magnetosphere, including the ring current, the radiation belts and …
dynamics of the inner magnetosphere, including the ring current, the radiation belts and …
A survey of EMIC waves in Van Allen Probe data
Using an automated novel approach we conduct a reproducible systematic survey of
electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave activity detected by Van Allen Probe B during the time …
electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave activity detected by Van Allen Probe B during the time …