Dynamic resource provisioning in massively multiplayer online games

V Nae, A Iosup, R Prodan - IEEE Transactions on Parallel and …, 2010‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Today's Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) can include millions of concurrent
players spread across the world and interacting with each other within a single session …

A business-oriented cloud federation model for real-time applications

X Yang, B Nasser, M Surridge, S Middleton - Future Generation Computer …, 2012‏ - Elsevier
Cloud federation can allow individual Cloud providers working collaboratively to offer best-
effort services to service customers. However, the current federated Cloud computing model …

Efficient management of data center resources for massively multiplayer online games

V Nae, A Iosup, S Podlipnig, R Prodan… - SC'08: Proceedings …, 2008‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Today's massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs) can include millions of concurrent
players spread across the world. To keep these highly-interactive virtual environments …

A service-oriented interface for highly interactive distributed applications

F Glinka, A Raed, S Gorlatch, A Ploss - Euro-Par 2009–Parallel …, 2010‏ - Springer
The emerging class of Real-time Online Interactive Applications (ROIA) include massively-
multiplayer online games and e-learning applications. They pose completely new …

Edutain@ Grid: a business grid infrastructure for real-time on-line interactive applications

J Ferris, M Surridge, ER Watkins, T Fahringer… - Grid Economics and …, 2008‏ - Springer
Grid infrastructures are maturing to a point where they are attracting the interest of
businesses in many application domains. While many large-scale on-line gaming platforms …

Towards the scalability of real-time online interactive applications on multiple servers and clouds

A Ploß, D Meiländer, F Glinka… - … Computing: From Grids …, 2011‏ - ebooks.iospress.nl
Abstract Real-Time Online Interactive Applications (ROIA), such as massively multi-player
online games, e-Learning applications and high-performance real-time simulations …

Bipartite electronic SLA as a business framework to support cross-organization load management of real-time online applications

SE Middleton, M Surridge, BI Nasser… - Euro-Par 2009–Parallel …, 2010‏ - Springer
Online applications such as games and e-learning applications fall within the broader
category of real-time online interactive applications (ROIA), a new class of 'killer'application …

A case study on using RTF for develo** multi-player online games

A Ploss, F Glinka, S Gorlatch - … : VHPC 2008, UNICORE 2008, HPPC 2008 …, 2009‏ - Springer
Abstract Real-Time Online Interactive Applications (ROIA) include a broad spectrum of
online computer games, as well as challenging distributed e-learning applications, like …

Securing real-time on-line interactive applications in edutain@ grid

J Ferris, M Surridge, F Glinka - European Conference on Parallel …, 2008‏ - Springer
This paper presents the analysis, design and implementation of security facilities within the
edutain@ grid infrastructure, to support secure hosting of Real-Time On-line Interactive …

Monitoring and Metering in the Cloud

E Oliveros, T Cucinotta, SC Phillips, X Yang… - Achieving Real-Time …, 2012‏ - igi-global.com
This chapter will present the reasons and difficulties for monitoring and metering on Cloud
infrastructures. The approaches for monitoring of the execution environment and the network …