Development and performance of a new version of the OASIS coupler, OASIS3-MCT_3. 0

A Craig, S Valcke, L Coquart - Geoscientific Model …, 2017 -
OASIS is coupling software developed primarily for use in the climate community. It provides
the ability to couple different models with low implementation and performance overhead …

Compiler-managed software-based redundant multi-threading for transient fault detection

C Wang, H Kim, Y Wu, V Ying - International Symposium on …, 2007 -
As transistors become increasingly smaller and faster with tighter noise margins, modern
processors are becoming increasingly more susceptible to transient hardware faults …

Multi-level parallelism for incompressible flow computations on GPU clusters

DA Jacobsen, I Senocak - Parallel Computing, 2013 - Elsevier
We investigate multi-level parallelism on GPU clusters with MPI-CUDA and hybrid MPI-
OpenMP-CUDA parallel implementations, in which all computations are done on the GPU …

[PDF][PDF] Cloverleaf: Preparing hydrodynamics codes for exascale

A Mallinson, DA Beckingsale, W Gaudin, J Herdman… - The Cray User …, 2013 -
▪ The C bindings make interfacing with Fortran difficult▪ Global class implemented to
coordinate data transfers with and computation on the GPU▪ Data created and initialised on …

Parallel scripting for applications at the petascale and beyond

M Wilde, I Foster, K Iskra, P Beckman, Z Zhang… - Computer, 2009 -
Scripting accelerates and simplifies the composition of existing codes to form more powerful
applications. Parallel scripting extends this technique to allow for the rapid development of …

DFTracer: An Analysis-Friendly Data Flow Tracer for AI-Driven Workflows

H Devarajan, L Pottier, K Velusamy… - … Conference for High …, 2024 -
Modern HPC workflows involve intricate coupling of simulation, data analytics, and artificial
intelligence (AI) applications to improve time to scientific insight. These workflows require a …

Scalability issues in FFT computation

A Ayala, S Tomov, M Stoyanov, J Dongarra - … Conference, PaCT 2021 …, 2021 - Springer
The fast Fourier transform (FFT), is one the most important tools in mathematics, and it is
widely required by several applications of science and engineering. State-of-the-art parallel …

A new multi-resolution parallel framework for SPH

Z Ji, L Fu, XY Hu, NA Adams - Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics …, 2019 - Elsevier
In this paper we present a new multi-resolution parallel framework, which is designed for
large-scale SPH simulations of fluid dynamics. An adaptive rebalancing criterion and …

Scalable parallel building blocks for custom data analysis

T Peterka, R Ross, A Gyulassy… - … IEEE Symposium on …, 2011 -
We present a set of building blocks that provide scalable data movement capability to
computational scientists and visualization researchers for writing their own parallel analysis …

The scalable process topology interface of MPI 2.2

T Hoefler, R Rabenseifner, H Ritzdorf… - Concurrency and …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Message‐passing Interface (MPI) standard provides basic means for
adaptations of the map** of MPI process ranks to processing elements to better match the …