Transit time estimation in catchments: Recent developments and future directions
Water transit time is now a standard measure in catchment hydrological and ecohydrological
research. The last comprehensive review of transit time modeling approaches was …
research. The last comprehensive review of transit time modeling approaches was …
The importance of interflow to groundwater recharge in a snowmelt‐dominated headwater basin
Understanding the sensitivity of groundwater generation to climate in a mountain system is
complicated by the tight coupling of snow dynamics to vegetation and topography. To …
complicated by the tight coupling of snow dynamics to vegetation and topography. To …
Variability of snow and rainfall partitioning into evapotranspiration and summer runoff across nine mountainous catchments
Understanding the partitioning of snow and rain contributing to either catchment streamflow
or evapotranspiration (ET) is of critical relevance for water management in response to …
or evapotranspiration (ET) is of critical relevance for water management in response to …
Revealing the positive influence of young water fractions derived from stable isotopes on the robustness of karst water resources predictions
Introducing additional information sources, such as hydrochemical signatures and water
isotopes, into the model calibration has shown to be useful to enhance model robustness by …
isotopes, into the model calibration has shown to be useful to enhance model robustness by …
Ecohydrological decoupling under changing disturbances and climate
Terrestrial disturbances are increasing in frequency and severity, perturbing the hydrologic
cycle by altering vegetation-mediated water use and microclimate. Here, we synthesize the …
cycle by altering vegetation-mediated water use and microclimate. Here, we synthesize the …
Spatial heterogeneity and temporal stability of baseflow stream chemistry in an urban watershed
Synoptic sampling of streams is an inexpensive way to gain insight into the spatial
distribution of dissolved constituents in the subsurface critical zone. Few spatial synoptics …
distribution of dissolved constituents in the subsurface critical zone. Few spatial synoptics …
Unravelling groundwater contributions to evapotranspiration and constraining water fluxes in a high‐elevation catchment
AC Ryken, D Gochis, RM Maxwell - Hydrological Processes, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Despite the importance of headwater catchments for the water supply of the western United
States, these regions are often poorly understood, particularly with respect to quantitative …
States, these regions are often poorly understood, particularly with respect to quantitative …
Persistence and plasticity in conifer water‐use strategies
The selective use of seasonal precipitation by vegetation is critical to understanding the
residence time and flow path of water in watersheds, yet there are limited datasets to test …
residence time and flow path of water in watersheds, yet there are limited datasets to test …
Tracing and closing the water balance in a vegetated lysimeter
Closure of the soil water balance is fundamental to ecohydrology. But closing the soil water
balance with hydrometric information offers no insight into the age distribution of water …
balance with hydrometric information offers no insight into the age distribution of water …
The role of atmospheric rivers on groundwater: Lessons learned from an extreme wet year
ER Siirila‐Woodburn… - Water Resources …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
In the coastal regions of the western United States, atmospheric rivers (ARs) are associated
with the largest precipitation generating storms and contribute up to half of annual …
with the largest precipitation generating storms and contribute up to half of annual …