[PDF][PDF] A note on special fuzzy differential subordinations using generalized Salagean operator and Ruscheweyh derivative

AA Lupas - J. Comput. Anal. Appl, 2013 - academia.edu
In the present paper we establish several fuzzy differential subordinations regardind the
operator RDm λ, α, given by RDm λ, α: An→ An, RDm λ, αf (z)=(1− α) Rmf (z)+ αDm λ f (z) …

Differential subordinations using the Ruscheweyh derivative and the generalized Sălăgean operator

L Andrei - Advances in difference equations, 2013 - Springer
In the present paper, we study the operator, using the Ruscheweyh derivative R mf (z) and
the generalized Sălăgean operator D λ mf (z), denote by RD λ, α m: A n→ A n, RD λ, α mf …

[HTML][HTML] On special strong differential subordinations using multiplier transformation

AA Lupaş - Applied Mathematics Letters, 2012 - Elsevier
For functions belonging to the class SIm (δ, λ, l, ζ), δ∈[0, 1), λ, l≥ 0 and m∈ N∪{0}, of
analytic functions in U× U¯, which are investigated in this paper, the author derives several …

On a certain subclass of analytic functions defined by a generalized Sălăgean operator and Ruscheweyh derivative

AA Lupaş - Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 2012 - JSTOR
In the present paper we define a new operator using the generalized Sălăgean and
Ruscheweyh operators. Denote by RD_λ,α^m the operator given by RD_λ,α^m:A_n→A_n …

Some differential superordinations using Ruscheweyh derivative and generalized Sălăgean operator.

A Loriana, I Vlad - Journal of Computational Analysis & …, 2014 - search.ebscohost.com
In the present paper we establish several differential superordinations regarding the
operator RD< sub> λ, α< sup> n defined by using Ruscheweyh derivative R< sup> nf (z) …

[PDF][PDF] On special fuzzy differential subordinations using generalized Salagean operator and Ruscheweyh derivative

AA Lupaş - J. Adv. Appl. Comp. Math, 2017 - academia.edu
In the present paper we establish several fuzzy differential subordinations regardind the
operator RD, m, given by RD, m: AA, RD, mf (z)=(1) Rm f (z)+ Dm f (z), where Rm f (z) denote …

[PDF][PDF] New classes containing generalized Salagean operator and Ruscheweyh derivative

AA Lupas, L Andrei - Acta Univ. Apulensis, 2014 - auajournal.uab.ro
Acta Universitatis Apulensis ISSN: 1582-5329 No. 38/2014 pp. 319-328 NEW CLASSES

Inequalities for Special Strong Differential Superordinations Using a Generalized Sălăgean Operator and Ruscheweyh Derivative

AA Lupaş - Frontiers in Functional Equations and Analytic …, 2019 - Springer
In the present paper we establish several inequalities for strong differential superordinations
regarding the extended new operator RD λ, α m RD_ λ, α^ m defined by using the extended …

[PDF][PDF] Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems

HS Majdi, A Benameur, M Elmnifi… - … homepage: http://iieta …, 2023 - researchgate.net
Although solar energy has gained popularity in the distillation of brine to produce potable
water due to the increasing costs of fossil fuels and environmental concerns, its use in this …

Differential Sandwich Theorems Involving Linear Operator.

TK Al-Khafaji, AKH Abdul-Rahman… - Mathematical …, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
The current study is fully devoted to studying differential subordination and superordination
theorems of analytic functions with some sandwich results involving linear operators I< sub> …